Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Foxy Comfirms What Bloggers Been Buzzing About For Weeks

Says she's pregnant and getting married in September. Oh, and in case you care, she got arrested again for driving with a suspended license and lying to the cops about her name and age.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Michael Vick Pleads Guilty

"After consulting with his family over the weekend, Michael Vick asked that I announce today that he has reached an agreement with federal prosecutors regarding the charges pending against him," lead defense attorney Billy Martin said in a statement. "Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made. Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter."

Reality TV Star Tiffany "New York" Pollard Accused of Being Racist

Slow news day people. Bare with me. I have a really high trash meter but since I didn't have nothing to post all weekend, Miss New York makes the cut. Anyway, girlfriend went to dinner at some resturant in New York city this past weekend and her waitress accused her of being racist and a rude, nasty, pig. The waitress said, "I went to her table and told her I think she's so cute and funny. Then I went to shake her hand and she looked me up and down, laughed at me and said she had a cold. But immediately after, she shook the hand of another waitress, who is black." The waitress also said that New York refused to be served by them, because she said that someone always tries to drug her drinks when she's not looking, so New York would send her bodyguard to get her drinks. I know, so what, right? The first person who posts "Next!" is gonna get it!

Now What, Dummies?

Yeah so, you know how all Mike Vick's boys turned state's evidence against him in his federal dog fighting case in exchange for immunity and lighter sentences? Yeah well, AFTER they made all their damning testimonies, the state of Virginia says they’re going to file their OWN charges based on the Fed testimonies and will not grant the same immunities to the turn-coat defendants, so those fools are going to get jail time anyway. Suckkkkkers.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Eddie Murphy Slaps Mel B with a Cease and Desist

I heard Eddie finally got fed up with her trashing him all over town and slapped her with a cease and desist order...

They Giving Away Tickets In Nashville?

You know I be lurking around on a gang of message boards right? Anyway, I read on this one board that Beyonce didn't sell out her Nashville show so the radio stations started giving away tickets and it went from tickets going to the "ninth caller" to the "next ten people" to call the station can get it. I also heard they was giving away tickets around the stadium. So if B don't sell out in your town, hang around outside. You might get lucky.

Mef Gets Community Service

Remember when Method Man got arrested cause he drove through Battery Tunnel in Brooklyn and the toll cops saw smoke and smelled weed coming from his truck? Your boy got sentenced to community service and will rap to kids about the dangers of drugs in the Brooklyn District Attorney's Choices and Consequences program.

Lil Flip Cleared In Credit Card Scam

In July, Lil Flip got arrested for credit card fraud when an airline ticket was purchased in his name on an unauthorized American Express card. The charges have since been dropped. Apparently Flip thought the guy he trusted to purchase his ticket was a legitimate travel agent. Turns out he was just a dude with "the hook up."

Lil Mo Catches Beyonceitis

This is Lil Mo performing Beyonce's Dé jà Vu at the 17th annual Stone Soul Picnic in D.C. on August 11. I heard Kelly Rowland performed there too, I wonder what she had to say about this.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Foxy Brown Attacked Her Neighbor

Ain't nothing else to talk about right now. Anyway, the chick who's butt Foxy beat the other day is her neighbor from two doors down, Arlene Raymond...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Foxy Went All Naomi Campbell On Her Neighbor

Foxy is really amping up the promo for her independent label move. Yesterday Fox Boogie cracked her neighbor up side the head with her Blackberry, nearly knocking out some teeth and swelling up the chick's lip and eye. Fox turned herself in and was released on a $5000.00 bond. Boogie is due back in court on September 25.

Foxy Goes Independent Moves To Koch Records

"I have always been a symbol of independence as a female in music," explained the rapper. "My brand is already established, millions of my records have already been sold, and I have a fan base already loyal. After 13 years at Def Jam, I felt it was time as a matured business women to move on and continue my brand under the roof of something I own. I have two albums of music recorded, and my fans have waited long enough, I'm back!"

Remy Court Date Pushed Back

Remy Ma showed up in court yesterday wearing white patent-leather platform shoes. Can we get a picture of that? Your girl was in court to find out whether or not she got indicted on charges that she shot her friend, Makeda Barnes-Joseph, twice in the gut outside a club on July 14. However, due to conflicting witness testimony, the hearing has been pushed back to November 23. Remy's lawyer, Ivan Fisher, said "no view of the events that has surfaced publicly is accurate," but he declined to say how Barnes-Joseph, 23, was shot.

Michael Vick Nearing Plea Deal

After the other three defendants in the Michael Vick dog fighting case decided to cop pleas, it's being reported that Vick's attorneys are trying to negotiate a plea deal that will limit Vick's prison time and save his NFL career. Ummm, if he's pleading guilty in any way, how can his career be saved? Mike has until the end of the week to decide whether to cop his plea or risk going to trial.