Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ja Rule And Lil Wayne Post Bail

Here's some arrest footage of Wayne and Ja doing the perp walk. Weezy posted a $70,000 bond and Ja Rule put his Saddle River, NJ mansion up for collateral for his and his two co-defendants combined $320,000 bond. They are both facing up to 3 1/2 years on gun charges.
In case you don't know, this what supposed to have happened:
Police approached Lil' Wayne's tour bus, which was parked at 61st Street near Columbus Avenue, and claim they boarded the vehicle after smelling marijuana and discovered Derrick Lawrence of Brooklyn trying to flush half a pound of marijuana in the bus toilet. Lil' Wayne was changing as the officers entered the vehicle, and according to lead prosecutor Joan Illuzzi-Orbon, police discovered a .40-caliber Springfield Armory semiautomatic in a Louis Vuitton bag the rapper removed from his lap.
In Ja's case it went down like this: Police say they stopped Rule's 2004 Mercedes Maybach around 10:30 p.m. at the intersection of West End Avenue and 78th street for having a suspended registration. The officers searched the vehicle after smelling marijuana and discovered a .40-caliber semiautomatic Taurus in a backseat compartment of the car. Police arrested Rule, as well as his 38-year-old driver Mohamed Gamal and another passenger 36-year-old Dennis Cherry.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mel B Says Eddie Murphy's Lifestyle Came Between Them

In this month's Essence magazine, Mel B gives up every dirty detail in her and Eddie's break-up. Aside from all the stuff we've heard before, like how he made that nasty comment about not knowing whose kid that was after having PLANNED this baby with her, Mel confides to Essence, "We were going to buy a house in Malibu and move in together. Somehow things got confused along the way because there were certain things that went on in his house with his lifestyle that I wasn't prepared to be a part of."

"So that became a trippy discussion, which ended up where we both refused to budge."

Afeni Shakur Suing Death Row Records

Afeni is suing Death Row because they were supposed to turn over all of Tupac's unrealsed music to his estate, but during Death Row's bankruptcy proceedings, "it was revealed that an album's worth of unreleased Tupac material was being advertised to potential buyers as the jewel in the crown of the Death Row assets."

Lisa Bonet Welcomes Second Child

It's a girl
Here's the daddy, 27 year old Jason Momoa

Usher Getting Married Friday Or Saturday

They say Usher's been calling all his celeb friends, Jay and B, Janet and Jermaine wonders if Monica and Rock got an invite? asking them to come to his wedding at Def Jam chairman LA Reid's house in the Hamptons this weekend. Yeah, yeah, we all knew this was coming. Get your picket signs and ride up there if you so mad about it. But don't expect to see his mom Jonetta. I heard she'll be in the Bahamas this weekend.

The Writings On The Wall For Michael Vick

Might as well say goodbye to Michael Vick. NFL commisoner Roger Goodell told Vick not to come to training camp this week until the league reviews the dogfighting charges against him.

"While it is for the criminal justice system to determine your guilt or innocence, it is my responsibility as commissioner of the National Football League to determine whether your conduct, even if not criminal, nonetheless violated league policies, including the Personal Conduct Policy," Goodell said in a letter to the quarterback.

Vick will still get his preseason pay and Goodell told the Falcons to withhold any disciplinary action of their own until the league's review was completed.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lil Wayne And Ja Rule Arrested Over The Weekend

Rappers Lil Wayne and Ja Rule have been arrested in New York City. New York City Police say the two were arrested in separate incidents last night on similar charges of criminal possession of weapons. Police say officers pulled over a speeding luxury car around 10:37 Sunday night on the Upper West Side. Police say Ja Rule and two others were inside. Police recovered a .40-caliber pistol from the vehicle. Lil Wayne was arrested about an hour later after police say officers saw him and another man smoking marijuana. They also found he was carrying a .40-caliber pistol.


Chili and Tameka Clash Over Usher?

In Touch magazine says Chili stopped by Usher's mama Jonetta's house and Tamkea hit the roof, screaming at Chili, "Doesn't your boyfriend have a mother you can visit?" I wanna believe this so bad, but somehow I don't think Tamkea is a welcome guest at Jonetta's house.

Mel B Retains Gloria Allred to Handle Eddie Murphy

You're toast now Eddie Murphy, or should I say your wallet is toast? Scary Spice hired man hating pitbull lawyer Gloria Allred to litigate her child support settlement.

Laila Ali Ties the Knot

Laila Ali got married yesterday.

Diddy Off The Hook

Remember when that dude accused P-Did of threatening to smack flames out his a** and spitting on his girlfriend, after the chick wouldn't kick it with Diddy? The case was thrown out of court for lack of evidence.

(NY Post)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lil Flip Arrested for Credit Card Fraud

Houston rapper Lil Flip got arrested for credit card fraud. This dude bought an airline ticket for $671.00 from Houston to Baltimore with somebody else's credit card. Flip says this is all a big misunderstanding. The owner of the card says he didn't authorize the purchase. Whats to understand? Flip is due in court on Monday.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Russell Simmons Starts Letter Writing Campaign Against Michael Vick

In no way, shape or form do I support dogfighting, but still I have a problem with Russell Simmons writing letters to the companies Michael Vick endorses (Nike, Rawlings, Hasbro, Coca-Cola, Easton Sports, and Kraft) urging them to drop support of Vick before he even gets a chance at a fair trial.


Usher Tries To Shut Down Usher Fan Site

Poor Ursh. He's trying to shut down his biggest fan site, because posters keep writing ugly things about his girlfriend Tameka Foster. His lawyers have sent cease and desist letters demanded the site owner turn it over to LaFace. Are they for real?