Wednesday, May 16, 2007

All of Us Canceled on the CW

If you watched the season finale of All of Us, you know that after impersonating Jay Z and Beyonce at a hick wedding, Niecy and Robert got down to the business of making a brother or sister for little Bobby. Too bad we won't get to see what happens next. The CW cancelled the show. Booooo.
At least the last one was funny as hell, and there's always TVOne.


R Kelly Sings His Own Praises

R Kelly says, in the latest editon of Hip Hop Soul Magazine, "My greatest competition is, well, me . . . I'm the Ali of today. I'm the Marvin Gaye of today. I'm the Bob Marley of today. I'm the Martin Luther King, or all the other greats that have come before us. And a lot of people are starting to realize that now."

(Page Six)

RIP Yolanda King

Yolanda Denise King, daughter and eldest child of civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., has died, said Steve Klein, a spokesman for the King Center.
King died late Tuesday in Santa Monica, Calif., at age 51. Klein said the family did not know the cause of death but that relatives think it might have been a heart problem.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Naomi Campbell Was Raised by Nannies

Naomi Campbell was raised by the help. She says her mother left her with a nanny from the time she was three until she was 12. Naomi, who never knew her father, admits she largely grew up on her own because her mom, a ballet dancer, had to leave her at home while she travelled.

Details On The Game's Arrest

Last week The Game got arrested for "making threats". Now we know what kind of threats. This fool pulled a gun out on somebody at a pickup basketball game.

Suge Knight Done With Music

Suge got a reality show in the works called "Unfinished Business" set around his hometown, Compton California. Suge says he's going to concentrate on "acting" until he's sure which way the music industry is going to go. I guess that turning himself over to the Lord thing is over with. Oh well.

Muhammad Ali's Brother Beat His Daughter Senseless

Muhammad Ali's Daughter Khaliah wrote a self help book called "Fighting Weight". In it she details her struggle with her weight loss. The crazy part is when she explains that she blew up to 270 pounds as a teen thanks to a vicious beating from her uncle. "He came in yelling at me as if he were my father. 'Round one, let's see what you can do, kid. Round two, round three.' Every time I'd get up he'd beat me down again or hit me by my crotch. He pulled me up by my hair and the back of my shirt and dragged me toward the kitchen. He was going for a knife and said he was going to end it for me . . . I blacked out. When I came to, he was kicking me in the face." Her family broke it up, and Khaliah was treated for bruised kidneys. "I felt ashamed", she writes, "the way victims do, as if it's somehow their fault" After that, she drowned her sorrows in food, eventually reaching 325 pounds before deciding to have gastric surgery.

(Page Six)

Chick Says Foxy Almost Ran Her Down

Some chick called the cops on Foxy Brown saying she cut her off on the cross walk while she was pushing her baby in a stroller. "I jumped back, pulling the stroller, and yelled at the driver, 'You should watch where you're going!'" she said. "She cursed at me and proceeded to drive down Prospect Place. "I called the police, but they said that they couldn't do anything because she didn't actually hit me."

(NY Daily)

Floyd Mayweather Makes It Rain in the Club

Floyd Mayweather made it rain in a club in Las Vegas the other night and when I counted the stacks it looked like about a grand.  Pac Man Jones threw $80,000! 3 people did get shot, but still! Check it here and here.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Carmelo Anthony Makes Top Donor List compiled a list of the largest charitable donations by celebrities in 2006 and Carmelo Anthony was in the top ten. Kinda makes him cuter don't it? Did he get married yet? To see the rest of the list click here.

Amount Donated or Pledged
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, Oprah's Angel Network, and other groups
Geoffrey Beene
$44,000,000 (bequest)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Jack and Marie Lord
Hawaii Community Foundation
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand Foundation, numerous civil liberties, environmental, and civil rights organizations "dedicated to democratic values"
Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods Learning Center, Earl D. Woods Sr. Scholarship Fund, and other Tiger Woods Foundation programs
Rosie O'Donnell
Katrina Relief efforts including Renaissance Village (a temporary shelter for Katrina victims), day care centers, a rehabilitation center in San Antonio, and a Habitat for Humanity sub division in Baton Rouge
Martha Stewart
New York's Mt. Sinai Hospital for a center on healthy aging
Carmelo Anthony
CAF Youth Center in Baltimore, AAU Basketball, Syracuse University Recreational Center, and other charities
Pat and Shirley Boone
Pepperdine University for the Graduate School of Education and Psychology Center for the Family
LeRoy Neiman
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago to support a Master's class in figure drawing

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Usher and Tameka Sitting In A Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

This Usher and Tameka at a Janet Jackson concert in the Bahamas. Last week they were at the Kentucky Derby and the week before that, they were shopping on Rodeo Dr. Get it girl!

Trouble For Tracy Morgan

A disk jockey filed a misdemeanor battery complaint against comedian Tracy Morgan, saying the NBC sitcom star inappropriately groped her at a South Florida radio station Friday morning.

Yuleika De Castro told police that Morgan smelled of alcohol as he touched her shoulders and arms, kissed the back of her head, Miramar Police Department spokesman Bill Robertson said.
De Castro said she pushed him away and he was escorted out of the studio by the people he came with, Robertson said.

De Castro, whose on-air name is Sandy Domingo, said she filed the complaint because she felt "violated" and "dirty." "He said he wants to impregnate me," Domingo told The Associated Press.

Morgan's attorney in Miami, Mark Shapiro, told authorities that his client was not yet prepared to speak to them, Robertson said.

Bobby Brown Can't Take A Joke

Akon And Baby Girl

More and more pictures of Akon and that 14-year-old girl keep surfacing. In this one she looks so sweet and innocent. Shame on you Akon, for corrupting this precious flower of virginity.