Friday, May 11, 2007

On The Phone With Rhymes With Snitch

Michael Vick Facing Heat Over Dog Fighting Claims

You know Atlanta Falcon Michael Vick is in trouble over suspected dog fighting on his property in Virginia. Mike claims to have no knowledge of it and says it's a case of family members taking advantage of him. Well some of his "so called" friends are blabbing to ESPN that he DOES know what's up and is very involved in it. And in other football news, they say even though suspended Tennessee Titan Adam "Pac Man" Jones is appealing his suspension for off field conduct, he can't seem to stay out of Atlanta topless bars. I'm just saying, if you want people to think you've changed, maybe you should, you know, change. Especially since messing around in topless bars is what got him in trouble in the first place.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bobby Brown Suing Whitney Houston

Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's divorce became final on April 24th and Bobby didn't get a thing. He didn't even get visitation rights for Bobbi Kristina. Now he wants the judge to set aside the original the divorce settlement, saying the reason he didn't contest the first judgement was because he didn't have any money. In the new court papers, Bobby claims to be practically homeless and he wants spousal support, child support and visitation rights.

Akon Apologizes for Trinidad Incident

Over a month ago there was an uproar over Akon humping a 14 year old girl onstage in Trinidad. Now all of a sudden Akon wants to issue a statement apologizing for his actions. He didn't do it when the girl's family came forward, he didn't do it during the media frenzy. Funny how after Verizon dropped him, now he wants to apologize. 

Here's his apology:

"First, and most important to me, I want to sincerely apologize for the embarrassment and any pain I've caused to the young woman who joined me on-stage, her family and the Trinidad community for the events at my concert in Port of Spain on April 12th. It was never my intention to embarrass or take advantage of my fans in any way, especially those under the age of 18. That is why we tried to make sure that the club did not admit anyone under 18 in the audience. Somehow, that standard was not met."


Naomi Campbell Has Nice Legs

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tameka Got The Game On Lock

It ain't just his mama. Usher has fired his whole crew. Publicists, bodyguards any and everybody associated with his mama. And I heard something else crazy, too. They say just last year his people had Tameka banned from the Kentucky Derby for stalking him, and now they about to get married!? And Jawn Murray says Tameka is pregnant and due in December.

OJ Kicked Out Of Kentucky Steakhouse

OJ Simpson was in Kentucky for the derby and took 12 people to a steakhouse for dinner. Somebody went up to the owner excited that OJ was in the house, but the owner was disgusted.
He went over to OJ's table and told him, "I'm not going to serve you." OJ told him ok, and left.
The guy says, "I didn't want to serve him because of my convictions of what he's done to those families. The way he continues to torture the lives of those families ... with his behavior, attitude and conduct." Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, said the incident was about race, and he intended to pursue the matter and possibly go after the restaurant's liquor license.
"He screwed with the wrong guy, he really did." Galanter said


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Busta Rhymes Rejects Plea Deal

So Busta went to court today and rejected a plea bargin that would have given him 1 year in jail, $1,500 in fines and a drinking and driving class. Instead he'll go to court July 10, 2007 to fight two DUIs and an assualt charge.


Today's Big Story

There ain't one. Trust me, I want to gossip just as badly as ya'll, but the celebs are being extra good or extra slick, cause I got nothing, except people are wondering why R. Kelly hasn't gone to trial yet. Hit me up with some juicy gossip ya'll heard.

Any Truth To The Rumor...

That they laid off like, 50 people from Def Jam? Anybody know the deal?

Monday, May 07, 2007

I'll Get With You Guys Tomorrow

I left town and was gonna blog anyway, but I was having toooooo much fun. Anyways, Cam'ron got kicked out of Dip Set, Brandy had another lawsuit filed against her, Verizon wireless dropped Akon over that fourteen year old girl stage freak fiasco, Ebony Magazine dropped Ludacris from it's cover, Kim Fields had her baby, and after watching that Mayweather / De La Hoya fight, I am convinced that Fiddy and Floyd go together.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Maia Campbell Stole Another Car

Remember back in December when Maia Campbell got arrested for stealing a car in Los Angeles? She's at it again. She met some guy in Philly, hung out with him for two days and when he left her in the car by herself, she jetted with ol boy's ride.


Ron Artest Gets Community Service For Beating His Wife

I got this straight from ESPN word for word.

Sacramento Kings forward Ron Artest pleaded no contest Thursday to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge stemming from a March 5 dispute with his wife, the latest in a string of off-court problems.

Placer County Superior Court Judge Francis Kearney sentenced Artest to 100 hours of community service and a 10-day work project through the county sheriff's department. Artest also was fined $600 and ordered to get extensive counseling.
Kearney modified the restraining order that has kept Artest away from his wife, Kimsha, and three children since the incident at his $1.85 million mansion in Loomis, 25 miles northeast of Sacramento.
Artest will be allowed to have peaceful contact with his wife, and there are no restrictions on contact with his children. The judge said an attorney for Artest's wife appeared before her Thursday morning to say that Kimsha Artest no longer wanted any restrictions on their contact.
He was accused of grabbing, pushing and slapping his wife during an argument and preventing her from calling 911. The couple's 3-year-old daughter was home at the time.
Artest was charged with corporal injury to a spouse, battery, false imprisonment and dissuading a witness from reporting a crime, all misdemeanors. He pleaded no contest to the first charge, while the others were dismissed, although they could be restored if he violates the terms of his three-year probation.

The Reason You Never See Black Girls On Girls Gone Wild

Before he went to jail for contempt of court stemming from a charge of exploiting minors, Tyra Banks asked Girls Gone Wild creator, Joe Francis, how come he never has black girls in his videos. Joe said, "Here's the problem with black girls, they want to get paid. ... [Other girls,] I just ask and they do it."

(NY Daily)