Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chris Rock Accuser's Checkered Past

Did you hear about that woman who claimed Chris Rock might be the father of her 13 year old son and she wanted him to take a paternity test? She's a scammer. TMZ dug up the dirt on her. She's been charged with all kinds of stuff; theft by deception, writing bad checks, DUI, she even told police some cock-a-mamie story about being kidnapped and forced by gunpoint to ingest a "powdery white substance", but her own son busted her. They say this isn't the first time she asked Chris for a paternity test either. The first time she asked Chris for his DNA, she never showed up to get it.


Bizzy Bone Has A Message For You

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sebastian Telfair Arrested On The Bronx River Parkway

Do you remember the last time we talked about Boston Celtic Sebastian Telfair? He'd just gotten his chain snatched in front of P Diddy's NY restaurant, Justin's, and somehow rapper Fabolous got shot in the leg at the same location. Translation: Fab's boys from Brooklyn like to snatch chains for fun and but Sebastian ain't play that. Anyway, last night Sebastian was doing 77 mph in a 45 mph zone on the Bronx River Parkway and got pulled over. When asked for his license he offered a suspended Florida drivers license. His passenger didn't have a license either and both men were ordered out of the car. That's when the cop noticed a handgun under the driver's seat. Both Sebastian and his passenger said they didn't know where the gun came from. They were both arrested and each posted $7,500.00 bail and were released. Sebastian's cousin Knicks guard Stephon Marbury came to court with him. "I was there to support my cousin - and that's it," Marbury told The Post. "Hey, shit happens. What can I say about it? Shit happens. He's a young guy."

Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck said the "players on the Celtics have been explicitly warned, this year, to obey the team and league gun prohibition as well as state laws. We take this very seriously, and will act accordingly once the facts have been determined."

(NY Post)

I Always Heard Preacher's Kids Were Wild

About a week ago a video of Akon humping the life out some girl on stage started making the rounds on the Internet. Later it comes out that the girl was a 14 year old preacher's daughter. This week the girl's father speaks out in her defense saying Akon took adavantage of her, saying she was thrust into a situation she could not control. From the looks of this picture, she was thrusting all right.

(Trinidad and Tobago Express)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Another Dummy

So remember earlier this week when we talked about Detroit Piston Flip Murray almost getting robbed at his house after hanging out in the club and having some chick follow him home, and how the news article never mentioned the name of the club? One of my peoples said he was at a strip club called the Sting making it rain and the chick who followed him home was a stripper.

Guess What I Heard

My BFF emailed to tell me about Shawnna and Choppa (Young City) from Making the the club. She said they came in together and Choppa had a body guard what the heck for? . She also said they were nice, spent some money, probably Shawnna's money and that they were making out and dancing all night.

And don't be talking about "so what." Shawnna is hot right now. She sent an email to Miss Info confirming the rumors that's she's off DTP and working with Remy Ma and Jacki-O, even though she just got finshed talking all this mess about how she don't do "girl groups" and how her and Luda was putting a record out this summer and how she was gonna make him grow his hair back. I wonder what happened with that?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Shooters Spray Tony Yayo's Mama's House

The last time we heard about Tony Yayo it was after he'd slapped the 14 year old son of Czar Entertainment head honcho Jimmy Henchmen. Next thing we know Yayo's mama's house in Queens gets shot up. And dig this, nobody heard any gunshots cause the shooter used a silencer! I'm not saying the two incidents are related but... well, yes I am.

Usher's Momager Gets Engaged

Wanna hear something funny? When I first looked at this picture, I totally thought it was Usher and his finance Tameka Foster. Anyway, Usher's 50 year old mama is now engaged to a 36 year old man. I guess she figures if Tameka can get some young tail, she can too. Congratulations, Jonetta!

(NY Daily)

50 Cent Child Support Update

Remember a few months ago when 50 went to the courts asking them to regulate is child support payments? Well, he got his wish.

On Monday, the rapper was ordered by Suffolk County Support Magistrate Aletha V. Fields-Ferraro to immediately pay $10,000 for the support of his son, Marquise Diamond Jackson, 10. The boy's mom, Shaniqua Tompkins, was also granted $15,000 in monthly expenses.

(Page Six)

James Brown's Funeral Still Isn't Paid For

The trust handling James Brown's estate owes more than $70,000 for his elaborate funeral and care of his body for nearly three months before it was laid to rest in March, according to the funeral director who handled the soul singer's arrangements.
"I'm just waiting on them to get some of this mess straightened out," said Charles Reid, manager of the C.A. Reid Funeral Home in Augusta, Ga., which handled Brown's funeral. "I really haven't pushed the issue, even though I'd like to have my money."
Some of the funeral costs have already been paid and trustees have mailed a cheque to Reid this week covering the outstanding balance, Brown's longtime adviser and trustee Buddy Dallas said Wednesday.
"It was the children that ran up a funeral bill of over $150,000, not the trustees," Dallas said. "We've done our very best to do what we could to accommodate the creditors. There's no great big pile of money or surplus of money just lying around."


Joe Frazier Suing His Daughter

Former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier has sued his daughter for the return of his contracts, product endorsements and other business papers.
Frazier is financially strapped at 63 and may be missing out on film royalties, product endorsement fees or other income promised in the contracts, his lawyers said.
Jacquelyn Frazier-Lyde _ a lawyer, judicial candidate and sometime boxer _ controls the documents because she served as her father's lawyer and business adviser from 1989-2004, according to the lawsuit.
"I wouldn't want to harass her, my daughter," Frazier said Tuesday by phone from Toronto, where he was appearing at a festival. "I brought her here in this world and gave her the best of everything. I love her."
He said he doesn't know why she might be keeping the records.
"I don't talk to her," Frazier said. "All I'm asking is for the papers, that's all."
The suit charges that Frazier-Lyde has failed to explain where the records are now and refused to accept a certified March 2 letter demanding their return.
A call to her law office in North Philadelphia rang unanswered Tuesday, and there was no immediate reply to phone and e-mail messages left with her judicial campaign. Frazier-Lyde is campaigning for a seat on Philadelphia's Municipal Court.
The suit was filed April 4 in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.
Frazier-Lyde's campaign Web site plays up her lineage, noting she is the "daughter of former World Heavyweight Champion 'Smokin' Joe Frazier and Florence Frazier."
The divorced Joe Frazier lives alone and makes "under six figures" while managing expenses that include child support for at least one of his 11 children, according to lawyer Michael P. Kelly and manager Les Wolff.
Wolff vowed that more suits will follow against others who may have defrauded Frazier.
"He has been swindled and mismanaged," said Wolff, Frazier's agent for the past three years. The ex-champion now largely derives his income from appearance fees, Wolff said.
Kelly, who filed the suit, said he wants to know where Frazier's earnings have gone.
"This guy made a lot of money, was the heavyweight champion of the world, and he doesn't have much. So what happened to it?" Kelly asked.

Sounds Like A Set Up

Police investigate shooting at Piston Flip Murray's home
Mike Martindale / The Detroit NewsTROY -- Police are investigating an incident in which two masked men approached Detroit Piston Flip Murray outside his home early Monday and fired three gunshots into his residence. Murray, 27, told police he was returning to his home, in the 1000 block of Lorenzo, about 1:30 a.m. Monday after being at a Detroit nightclub. Murray left the front door to his home open for a 25-year-old woman friend who was following him home in her own vehicle.The woman was approached from behind by two masked men as she walked to the front door."She was told to be quiet but screamed and ran inside and hid," said Scherlinck. "That brought him (Murray) down to the door where he was instructed to move towards the door by one of the gunmen and instead, he slammed it shut on them."Murray retreated to another part of the house and called 911 as three gunshots were heard outside, Scherlinck said. Two gunshots went into the front door and one pierced a window near the door. No one was injured, police said.Police arrived a few minutes later and the gunmen were gone. The woman, who initially ran from the house, returned and was also interviewed by police. Scherlinck said she corroborated Murray's recollection of events.Murray told police that shortly after he came home he noticed a light-colored, possibly tan sedan pull into the parking lot of a nearby landscaping business. A police tracking dog followed a scent from Murray's home to that location where it is believed someone stepped into a vehicle and drove off.Troy police declined to name the Detroit club that Murray visited before the shooting.Anyone with information about the incident, or who may have seen anything unusual in the Lorenzo-Rochester Road area early Monday morning is asked to call police at (248) 524-3477.Murray signed a two-year, $3.6 million contract with the Pistons last July.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Damon Dash Suing His Accountants

Seems like Damon Dash just can't catch a break. Dame just filed a lawsuit against his accountant for 3.5 million dollars. Dame accuses his money man of incorrect filing of his tax returns and not telling him how much money he made after the sale of one of his companies.

(NY Daily News)

Lou Gossett Stiffs The Lakers

Lou Gossett is is in hot water with the Lakers. Dude copped a pair of $37,000 tickets and never paid for them.

In a lawsuit filed recently in Los Angeles Superior Court, the former "Iron Eagle" is accused of signing a 2003 contract for a pair of exclusive Premier Seats at Staples Center -- home to the Los Angeles Lakers, Clippers and the NHL's L.A. Kings -- but never forking over the dough. The tickets, located close to the floor, are good for nearly any sporting event at the arena -- for two years!