Showing posts with label Questlove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questlove. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2007

?uestlove Detained At Buffalo Airport

Ok, I didn't write this account of what happend to ?uest. I got it off a message board, but how am I supposed to credit "Piano Man" from some random board? It was Urban

Ahmir “?uestlove” Thompson, the drummer for The Roots, was detained by the DEA sometime last week while attempting to board a plane at a Buffalo airport. ?uestlove wrote about the altercation on his MySpace blog, which he described as “possibly the most humiliating hour of my life.” The incident occurred when ?uest purchased his plane ticket 24 hours before the flight, automatically placing him in a special security line. When his luggage was checked, authorities found with a Louis Vuitton bag containing money from various countries. “Thing is, I absolutely forgot that I was carrying around all of my post Roots show DJ ?uestlove gig money,” he wrote. “It was there they discovered my DJ money stash from countries all around the world.” ?ueset claims he forgot to deposit the money before boarding the plane and was subsequently transferred from the airport security to the DEA. Authorities then questioned ?uest about his bag full of “$100,000 in China money.” When the heavyset drummer tried to convince security he was a Grammy award-winning artist, they picked up an issue of XXL out of his luggage and asked, “Where are you in this magazine? You said you were in a rap group, huh? How can a rapper not be in a rap magazine?” Security then forced ?uest to remove his pants, which he describes as “single handily the most embarrassing moment of my career.”
To read all of ?uestlove’s story, visit