Former Dip Set/Bryd Gang affiliate Max B was found guilty on 9 of 11 charges of manslaughter and conspiracy to commit robbery yesterday. You can Google if you want to know the specific counts, but the long and short of it is, Max, a stripper chick and another guy tried to set up this dude who was known for splashing out tons of cash at the bar where Stripper Chick worked. Stripper Chick lured The Dude to a hotel room, but the robbery went wrong when The Dude shot and killed one of the accomplices. Stripper Chick testified against Max B and now he's facing 20 years. He is planning an appeal.
Sidebar: Max and Jim Jones have an ongoing bitter feud. Click
here for the reasons why, plus a youtube of Max talking crazy
and looking crazier about Jim Jones' main chick Chrissy.