Last week the luxury assisted living facility where former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams is being housed by her court ordered guardian, filed a police report after Wendy went out for dinner without permission [click here if you missed that].
Over the weekend Wendy tested the boundaries of her guardianship with another outing...
From The Daily Mail
Wendy Williams defiantly went out to dinner again in New York Saturday - days after her assisted living facility called the police on her restaurant outing with her niece.
The 60-year-old presenter has been waging in a public battle against her guardianship, which she claims is so restrictive she feels 'like I am in prison.'
Williams appeared in bright spirits on Saturday, wearing full makeup and a glamorous outfit that included a fur-trimmed coat and a Chanel bag and boots.Go here to see the pics
This all she knows. The camera and attention. It's addictive just like drugs and alcohol.
Set her free! Kids have more freedom than Wendy.
Get her an independent evaluation. First things first.
Welcome to another episode of The Daily Wendy Report.
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