This week Wendy Williams was taken to the hospital after dropping a message for help from the window of her assisted living facility [click here if you missed that].
At the hospital Wendy was given psychological exam and passed with flying colors...
I never heard of a numerical rating scale for a cognitive exam but kiddos to Wendy! I hope she is reunited with her family soon.
She's good now, but if free, she will start drinking again and end up back in a state of harm. You can't drink on meds. WW has to address her drinking addiction. Which she has not admitted to.
What kind of doctor confuses a drunkard with one who has dementia? There needs to be an investigation of the judge, conservator and doctor. They legally used her addiction to control her money.
A cognitive test is a lot more intricate than "Do you know what year it is". But on another note, it was very obvious that Wendy did not have dementia. Alcohol can lead to severe alcohol related damage to an individual's cognitive function. Lots of alcoholics are mean and violent which is usually attributed to the toxicity in alcohol. Excessive drinking is horrible to the body. I hope Wendy is on the straight and narrow and will stay as far away from alcohol as she can. This was a huge wake-up call, literally and figuratively.
She's living in a bevy of her creation. Drugs, debauchery, had to come for her sooner or later. I do hope she gets away from the bull and go sit down somewhere with drinking and drug.
That was a Mini Mental Exam that takes about 30 minutes to administer. That wasn’t a full Psychological Exam. WW is not full on incapacitated but she probably has limited capacity to do things while she is drunk, Let Wendy go do her. Everyone are entitled to make bad decisions if they are in their right mind
Why do they have to broadcast this to social media?? Why can’t they just take care of everything privately? They should move in silence, go through the legal channels to get her out of the guardianship and set her up in a condo somewhere in FL near her family. Because I’m sure hearing this news, that bum ex husband of hers is ready to take her to court to try to get some money. They are handling this messy.
I never heard of a numerical rating scale for a cognitive exam but kiddos to Wendy! I hope she is reunited with her family soon.
They ask you questions like:
Do you know what year it is?
Who's the president?
Do you want to hurt yourself or others?
Thank God free this women to her neice who unconditionally loves her and fighting for her to be free.
Good, now give her back her life and her money
She's good now, but if free, she will start drinking again and end up back in a state of harm. You can't drink on meds. WW has to address her drinking addiction. Which she has not admitted to.
What kind of doctor confuses a drunkard with one who has dementia? There needs to be an investigation of the judge, conservator and doctor. They legally used her addiction to control her money.
A sober WW is a healthy WW
A cognitive test is a lot more intricate than "Do you know what year it is". But on another note, it was very obvious that Wendy did not have dementia. Alcohol can lead to severe alcohol related damage to an individual's cognitive function. Lots of alcoholics are mean and violent which is usually attributed to the toxicity in alcohol. Excessive drinking is horrible to the body. I hope Wendy is on the straight and narrow and will stay as far away from alcohol as she can. This was a huge wake-up call, literally and figuratively.
She's living in a bevy of her creation. Drugs, debauchery, had to come for her sooner or later. I do hope she gets away from the bull and go sit down somewhere with drinking and drug.
12:28 Wendy said so herself they asked her who the president was so those type of questions while not intricate are still used.
This is a really cute picture of Wendy! I wish her the best.
That was a Mini Mental Exam that takes about 30 minutes to administer. That wasn’t a full Psychological Exam. WW is not full on incapacitated but she probably has limited capacity to do things while she is drunk, Let Wendy go do her. Everyone are entitled to make bad decisions if they are in their right mind
Why do they have to broadcast this to social media?? Why can’t they just take care of everything privately? They should move in silence, go through the legal channels to get her out of the guardianship and set her up in a condo somewhere in FL near her family. Because I’m sure hearing this news, that bum ex husband of hers is ready to take her to court to try to get some money. They are handling this messy.
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