Friday, March 21, 2025

Tyler Perry Calls Out the Entertainment Industry After Paying for Angie Stone's Funeral

Last week neo-soul singer, Angie Stone, was remembered in two beautiful memorial services in two different states [click here if you missed that].

Tyler Perry, who used Angie's eulogy to chastise the music industry for not paying her what she's owed [click here if you missed that], admits he paid for Angie Stone's funeral, but says he shouldn't have had to do it...

click the video


Ironically, just two months before her death Angie Stone told her fans that she had discovered Universal Music Group owed her millions in unpaid royalties.


Anonymous said...

Angie must have been a vile person

Anonymous said...

He's right! UMG better pay up!

R in NYC said...

Makes her death more mysterious.

Anonymous said...

If you’re gonna complain about it, then don’t do it. That’s what my mama said.

Anonymous said...

She should have some kind of insurance. That's something everyday folks can do. It doesn't have to be a large policy. Just something to put you away nicely or ashes to ashes kind of sendoff.
That's why he was at the funeral making that long @$$ speech. Because he paid for the funeral. I was wondering why he was there talking so much. LOLO
It was nice of him just the same.

Anonymous said...

This nicca. Suddenly he gives a damn about us. He can kiss where the sun don't shine.

Her funeral would have been affordable if the focus was on burying her instead of people making tryna make name from her death.

Anonymous said...

Tyler is not complaining at all. Some of yall clearly responded without listening. Don't ignore the message because you hate the messenger

Anonymous said...

Yup a broken clock can also be right. She shoulda got her owed coins BEFORE she passed! RIP Angie.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry has stepped up to the Plate more than once to help many many people out. He takes Action & Provides🏆

Anonymous said...

Quit trying to be everybody daddy sir.

Anonymous said...

After all this time, every artist know what it is.

Anonymous said...

Tyler stepped up to help the family. Did you do anything to help?

Anonymous said...

Angie Stone Seemed To Be Part Of The Class Called 'The Working Poor'. A Veritable "Starving Artist".

Anonymous said...

Why TF ppl with children out here with NO INSURANCE

Anonymous said...

^ They keep em like that so they can't ever be free n independent. A free and well paid artist don't need the iindustry.

Vernell said...

One thing about Tyler Perry, When He Does CHARITY WORK, He Makes Sure To Let Everyone Know...

Anonymous said...

He could help by doing an Angie Stone documentary.

Anonymous said...

They said she was owed $50 million so you know it was at least $100 million. This is how Clive stays rich

Anonymous said...

lol @ 5:01 yessss indeeed

Anonymous said...

The thing about a lot of entertainers are their finances are the same as regular people.

Anonymous said...

Was the accident ever investigated? Who was the driver of the truck?

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