Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tracy Morgan Vomits Court-Side at Madison Square Garden

Comedian Tracy Morgan was wheeled out of the Heat vs Knicks game at Madison Square Garden last night after throwing up on the court...

Knicks celebrity superfan Tracy Morgan vomited at his courtside seat during Monday’s game, delaying the battle between the Heat and Knicks at the Garden.
While details are limited on what happened, Morgan became ill while the game was going on and forced a brief delay — while Morgan was taken off in a wheelchair and the arena staff cleaned up the area during the third quarter.
A photo posted on social media showed Morgan hunched over vomiting in his courtside seat, which was positioned next to MSG Networks broadcasters Kenny Albert and Walter Clyde Frazier.
The photo, which was shared by a fan, also showed a man in a black T-shirt and black and blue Knicks hat looking concerned for Morgan.


R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's probably on the GLP-1 meds for weight loss and it caused him to throw up. Good luck to him.

Anonymous said...

@9:42, you're assuming a lot with zero evidence.

Anonymous said...

Somebody was fast with the camera to show it coming out his mouth. Yikes

Anonymous said...

That's what tea is all about, baby. Assumptions without evidence. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Well, we do know that Tracy is on Ozempic since he’s made jokes about it. But anything could’ve caused this illness.

He’s also had a series of health issues ever since that horrific car crash he survived against a Walmart semi truck a few years ago. He was also awarded a $90M settlement due to the accident.

Anonymous said...

Kidney transplant about 15 years ago.

Anonymous said...

That's what I do every time I see him trying to be funny. Ignorant ass buck.

Anonymous said...

How do you capture him mid vomit?

Anonymous said...

Hope he’s okay!

Jcee said...

Go home and focus on your health trying to be out at his age with all his health issues prolly was drinking too

Anonymous said...

I hope he's alright

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