Thursday, March 20, 2025

Tina Knowles Responds to Kanye West?

Last night Kanye West blasted Beyoncé and Jay Z in a nasty rant directed at their children [click here if you missed that].

Beyoncé's mother, Tina Knowles seemingly responds...

...declaring no weapon formed against her or her family shall prosper.


mil262 said...

Go sit down Tina your grown daughter can take care of herself

Anonymous said...

Ms Tina is right, Ye is doomed.

Anonymous said...

Child Tina working on a apecial hoodoo option for Coonye. Might just switch over to voodoo for a extra little kick. If you know....💯

Anonymous said...

^ Yes indeed

Shafrika Lights said...

Kany is definitely protected by our Lord and Saviour. Tina voodoo will not work.

R in NYC said...

Koonye betta fall back. He about to be in some serious spiritual warfare. Can somebody, anybody please haul this man to the nearest psyche ward! It's getting scary.

Soft & Sweet said...

Ms. Tina has the right to speak on evil done to her grandbabies. Kanye's life must really suck to talk about somebody's kids like that. He is one miserable soul.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Tina, we support your message.

Anonymous said...

Shuttup Witch.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure there’s a Jar somewhere in one of the Knowles/Beyince household with Kanye’s name on it. He brought it on himself.

Anonymous said...

BUt really we havent seen that boy AT ALL. Why is JayZ bringing his two Daughters to football games to meet players when he has a whole SON that would be more interested in football than the girls.

Anonymous said...

Time for this Master Witch to STFU.
Newsflash, Every weapon formed is gonna take them lower than the reptiles they already are.

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