Thursday, March 06, 2025

T-Pain Explains Why He Refuses to Fly Private

Recording artist T-Pain refuses to fly private on his own dime because a round trip from Las Vegas to Atlanta costs $126k....


Anonymous said...

Smart man it ain't fly to go broke doing dumb ish

Anonymous said...

^ IKTR. NIccas tryna flex and goin' broke.

Anonymous said...

Hope this being smart with money catches on because you see rappers doing so much dumb sh!t with their money. And the dumb moves they make get mimicked by their gullible fanbase

Anonymous said...

He's not in that league to own or fly private. This was a no non-sense comment to make. When was the last time he was on top of the charts?

Msfre1 said...

@9:29AM , just because someone is on top of the charts doesnt mean they have money. This man is a songwriter and producer, amongst other things, I'm sure Tpain is good financially.

Anonymous said...

I never liked his music

Anonymous said...

This is probably why some celebrities are out here borrowing clothes.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 He was broke from frivolous spending, he is not near as financially stable as he once was. He is now aware of the dollar and you can have it one day and it be gone the next.

Anonymous said...

his speaking voice is one of the most disgusting sounds on planet earth

Anonymous said...

Yes his speaking voice is horrible. I guess that's why he used that auto tune machine for his music.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? What's the problem with his speaking voice. It's whiny and kinda nasaly but I've heard much worse.

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