Last week Kanye West announced the return of his Sunday Service gospel music project just hours after sharing a picture of a Klan hood and robe with the caption "Outfit of the Day [click
here if you missed that]."
This week in an open call for singers posted online, requirements include male choir members ages five and up to shave their heads...
Fools call this fool a genius.
Kanye's getting the cult back together again.
And they’ll come running to sign up. Sigh
Now I can’t stand Kanye, but that Sunday Service Choir’s Jesus is King album he produced is a good gospel album. I can listen to it from beginning to end on repeat. They’re still performing with other artists too so I’m happy for them because they are a talented bunch.
The man can make good music but he is unstable, a troll, and doesn’t pay his employees. I hope folks (especially black folks) ignore this trap/audition.
God said he doesn't have time for another sunday service. Maybe next year.
***Heavy sigh***. Oh look, it's the weekly Krazy Koonye report. What is this weirdo up to now? The same old foolishness.
I meant *jesus is born* they do have a feature on Every Hour on the Jesus is king album 😩
Most of these nutts will show up just to be in his presence. Do you know how many Koo Koos are out there that can sing? Most of them come on this site to leave a lot of non-sense for all to read. LOLO
God is real but Kanye is pretending and anyone getting caught up in that cult of foolishness will only be clout chasing. Which proves most people would sell their soul for fame and especially those who claim they love Jesus.
Ages 5 and up? I'm calling child protective services on whosoever allows their child to sign up for this.
All I know is, I don’t want to see no “Surviving Ye” special no time soon. This dude is letting everyone know up front that he’s controlling and abusive. If people participate, that is their CHOICE. Don’t complain about it or do “woe is me” interviews later to get a check
This is what happens when you are never told No.... He already said he doesn't believe in Jesus anymore and that he believes he is a God, yet some weak Christians still going to go sign up and buy this mess. Demonic songs from a demon who already told you he doesn't believe in your God, you will be worshiping his.
Anything for some press....
Idiot is advertising on the radio for members to audition.
The Devil isn't in hell. He walks freely among us. If anybody allows themselves or their kids heads to be shaven and a part of this tragic negr0's delusions, then they deserve all the hell he will bring to them.
DON'T DO IT! The devil is behind this just looking for attention and to draw people into the cult. You can sing gospel without a shaved head.
Cult requirements
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