Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Rihanna Dismisses Fan Over Baby Name Hate

Over the weekend pop star Rihanna celebrated International Women's Day by sharing pictures of herself immediately following the births of her sons, RZA and Riot Rose [click here if you missed that].

Rihanna claps back after a rude fan criticizes the names she chose for her kids...

It all started after The Shade Room shared Rihanna's International Women's Day post and a commenter said they hated the names RZA and Riot Rose. 

If you remember the old Rihanna on social media you know she let her off easy. 


Anonymous said...

Wow people are a trip. Leave that women's kid's name alone

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she didn't let her slide.

Anonymous said...

"If you remember the old Rihanna on social media you know she let her off easy. '

Yesss Her clapbacks were epic

Anonymous said...

That's the Rihanna I know

Anonymous said...

Stop sharing on social media and you want have to be subjected to any mockery.

Anonymous said...

Celeb kids been having dumb azz names

Anonymous said...

Is the shade supposed to be calling her by her name Tatiana? Corny. Tatiana's way more popular and normal sounding than Rza and Riot. I bet their dumb daddy names them too.

Anonymous said...

1:27 is an idiot. That's the majority of what social media is for and the fun part... to share your happiness, your ups, your new discoveries, etc. Maybe people should stfu, stop trolling, use manners and keep it moving when it comes to what other people put on THEIR page.

Anonymous said...

Some of the lil non traditional names people have given their kids are cute but some try too hard to be different and it sounds stupid and Rza and Riot sound stupid dont care who they momma is. Father 's ignorant and dont have no say.

Anonymous said...

Rihanna's showing Growth

Anonymous said...

But seriously. She hates their names. Now what?? 😄
People need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Is the "clapback" in the room with us?????

Anonymous said...

Sales for Fenty products are suffering rn

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