Thursday, March 13, 2025

Police Report Filed After Wendy Willams Goes Out to Dinner with Her Niece

Yesterday a lawyer for Wendy Williams' court ordered guardian, Sabrina Morrisey, issued a statement claiming Wendy is not being isolated from her family and can have visits whenever she wants [click here if you missed that].

Last night the luxury assisted living facility where Wendy is being housed filed a police report after she left to have dinner with her niece...

From TMZ
Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Wendy's niece, Alex Finnie, accompanied Wendy on Wednesday from the hospital where WW has been staying for a psychological evaluation back to the Coterie where Wendy has been living for the past 8 months.
After spending time with Wendy at the Coterie, Alex took her famous aunt to an Italian restaurant for dinner. According to sources connected to Wendy and her guardian, the Coterie called NYPD and filed a police report claiming Alex evaded staff by taking Wendy out of the building.
Here's the deal ... first of all, Wendy can NOT leave the 5th floor memory unit without an attendant pushing the elevator button. Secondly, we're told an attendant actually accompanied Wendy and Alex down to the lobby and opened the door of their Uber for them to get in.
It's a shocking turn of events, given a letter TMZ received last night from the lawyer representing Wendy's guardian. That letter said Wendy was free to come and go from the facility as she pleases and no restrictions were placed on family visits. Yet here we are.

Wendy and her niece discussed the police report drama with paparazzi after returning from dinner.


Anonymous said...

Wendy doesn't listen to anyone. They need to set her free and let her continue to ruin her life.

Anonymous said...

All I want to know did she have drinks while celebrating with her niece.

R in NYC said...

I hope she drank and ate whatever the hell she wanted. Enough is enough. Set that woman free!

Anonymous said...

She needs to follow the facility rules, for her own safety and well being. It looks like no one has her best interest at heart, and with her diagnosis, it’s probably best she stays put. Her son also needs to do better because as a grown man and his mother’s heir, he should be handling her affairs, not some random woman.

Anonymous said...

Her scooter cracks me up everytime

No Chiraq said...

Inferred as kidnapping

Anonymous said...

Wendy is being punished for that “Help Me” note. She’s in serious trouble. Her handlers are trying to put her away for good like they tried to do with Britney Spears.

Anonymous said...

If WW wants to crash-out, or live a life she wants, let HER. It's HER choice. They just want her money.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are talking like you know about addiction and you don't.

Anonymous said...

Her handlers are trying to hold onto her monthly payments. She needs help, but not these people.

Anonymous said...

Why is she so white???? Good lord!

R in NYC said...

She's pale cuz she's indoors 99.9% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Wendy going to mess around and they going to put her in a high security nut house. Her alleged dementia is alcohol related, and they say it comes with many clear moments and then many moments on incapacity. Bruce Willis who suffers with the same now in no longer verbal. Sad.

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