Monday, March 10, 2025

Ne-Yo Formally Introduces His Harem

Last month R&B singer / songwriter Ne-Yo went viral for his full throated defense of the polyamorous lifestyle  [click here if you missed that].

This month Ne-Yo introduces each one of his four partners by name...


Anonymous said...

He's is a major simp. I hope he knows they are only with him for money. Drain his pockets h0es. Women make your from using your brain. Not you puss. You want stay pretty for ever

Anonymous said...

He is so boring.

Anonymous said...

Are we supposed to care?

Anonymous said...

Run his pockets. nobody is jealous or wants to be him or CoonYe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So this is what heaven look like. Kudos for Neyo. I’m 61 years old and I’m still trying to be like him. My wife just don’t agree.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

That’s gangsra

Anonymous said...

Your too old for multiple women. You can't even last that long if you can still get it up. LOLO

Anonymous said...

They cute

Anonymous said...

And young

Anonymous said...

I usually don’t check out another Nggrs stable but what the hell.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If he can afford all 4 and not fall behind on child support I say more power to him but don't be surprised when your kids put you on blast when they get older like Dr. Umar's kid

Anonymous said...

I doubt he spends any real money on them because they always look cheap, tacky and not very well put together. He's just trash and living out a temporary fantasy until the money dries up. Most men can barely handle one woman at a time and most women need something to fall back on as they age. This won't last forever but congrats if they're happy.

Anonymous said...

Those are not partners those are WHORES

Anonymous said...

A bunch of fools looking for some kind of comeup, when they're losing so much. Dummies.

Anonymous said...

πŸ‘ΊπŸ’©πŸ‘ΉπŸ’©πŸ·πŸ½Heavenly Father is watching this mess

Anonymous said...

Most Likely Will End Up w/ ....'offered a drink....felt woozy...coerced...power dynamics... helpless,vulnerable female...abuse/assault'...& Arrest/Trial/Prison

Anonymous said...

5:02p, You're right about that because partners have to actually contribute something and all they bringing is ass.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, he's doing more licking than sticking. They're doing each other. He ain't that long & strong!

Anonymous said...

I thought NeYo was ghey??

Anonymous said...

Closeted gay guy

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