Monday, March 24, 2025

Lizzo Confronts Young Miami Over Weight Comments

Lizzo calls Yung Miami to question her about comments she made about Lizzo's weight on the Club Shay Shay podcast...


Anonymous said...

The Truth Is The Truth. Lizzo Fat As Hail

Anonymous said...

What Lizzo gonna do? Sit on her?

Anonymous said...

the good news for Lizzo is there are a lot of men that like Lizzo type bodies

Anonymous said...

Just lose weight.

Anonymous said...

Big girl magic

R in NYC said...

Why is a s*x orgy having, trafficking assistant talking slick about anyone?

Anonymous said...

This exchange is mad weird and both of them cooked this up for publicity / trying to rebrand themselves in a music market that has moved on from them. shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Lizzo is annoying.

Anonymous said...

Please. You’ll can talk about her weight if you want to but I know 3 guys off hand who would do her in a minute and she don’t have to be famous. There is someone for everyone. Believe that

Anonymous said...

if you didnt get the context of why Lizza even came up them you weird. For Lizza to call and confirm if she was to skinny is weird. For her to call as if she was checking her on live stream is weird. Lizzo is weird.

Anonymous said...

No woman who got p-ssed on by a human trafficking devil can comment on a thing. She recruited women. Smh. I would've roasted her.

mil262 said...

Why do you film yourself having a phone conversation? No matter who you are talking to. This fat broad always does stuff for attention.

Anonymous said...

If you can't make a sentence without using the word like every time you speak needs to shut the fk up.
Lizzy needs a backbone. Stop letting everyone's comments hurt your feelings.
Do you and take care of your health. You know dam well you were tooo d@m fat. LOLO

Anonymous said...

Lizzo is too old for this back and forth stuff.

Jcee said...

Lizzo you were big and overweight and whenever you wound shoe your naked body ppl would say ewwwww she need to lose weight now you are losing weight and we know you having help with it by medicine or surgery and that’s ok you look good and no one is going to keep telling you that! Take care of yourself and move on! What about or music or talent ? You have destructed ppl enough from that!

Anonymous said...

Lizzo is a whole performative clown with low self esteem issues, that needs validation from other people that otherwise couldn't care less. That didn't need to be clarified, she just wanted Miami's validation too.

Anonymous said...

Both these women are so disgusting

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