Thursday, March 20, 2025

Kanye West Explains Issue with Beyoncé & Jay Z

Last night Kanye West disrespected Beyoncé and Jay Z in a nasty online rant [click here if you missed that].

Kanye explains the REAL reason he despises The Carters...


Anonymous said...

He should write a book. Then he can talk about all his relationships. But probably cant focus enough to write a book. He need Jesus...

Anonymous said...

Ye, they Sound like , "fair weather," type of friends..

Anonymous said...

I told you so.....when will kanye wake up and 👀 they're not with mostly black folks all the time?

Anonymous said...

What I heard in that rant was I needed J to help me when I made my mistakes.
You're a man. Live by your mistakes and put your big boy pants on and take it like a G. No one is supposed help you when you keep making mistakes that everyone told not to do.

Anonymous said...

Dude did Icedrake and other dirty as hell but now he's crying. Oh well.
Don't speak on children that have no ability to change what they are going through.
Empty the trash.

Anonymous said...

Dude,'re with a yt woman. Jay z wished he was with a yt woman. (Re:Becky)

Anonymous said...

Kanye does not need the Superbowl. He can do his on concert on one of the social media platforms. Kanye should have stayed behind the scenes. The spotlight is too much for him. He should have followed Quicny Jones blueprint instead of MJ

Anonymous said...

So clearly they were not in agreement with u getting in the bed with the Devil (Kardashians). So they did not attend the wedding. I'm sure they knew it wasn't gonna end well. How u mad in the same breath that they won't help u now that ur laying in the bed you made! U choose to marry a woman whose mother put out her explicit tape. But now ur mad that these women are raising ur kids the same way? What did u expect Kanye? Of course Blue can hangout with North. It's not gonna happen.

Soft & Sweet said...

He should ask himself why he's so miserable while sitting on $2.77 B like he claims. He needs to go buy himself some happiness and shut the eff up.

Anonymous said...

He needs to wake the heck up! They tried to tell you about trying to turn a ho* into a housewife, now look whose crying. SMDH

Anonymous said...

Why does he keep talkin about wt women, when that's what he loves/marries? KK was his dream girl, remember? Make it all make sense.

Anonymous said...

Kanye is just still upset because J, and B by extension, cut him off and he can't get any attention from them. That's all.

Anonymous said...

I am seeing a pattern with these adult men. Kayne West is blaming other adults for not policing his behavior as if his comfortable space is that of being a child needing rearing. Kevin Hart also has expressed difficulty in being an adult by saying his adult man “friends” were not around to police him from cheating on his wife. These are millionaires, bosses, and CEO’s yet they still need basic rearing like toddlers? Are they slow? It’s giving I pick my nose and eat my boogers in my 40s. How does any woman want to lay down with that?

R in NYC said...

Koonye acting like a spurned lover of Jay. What's really going on?🤔

Jcee said...

This ninja will start shyt then turn around play victim! He is so full of shyt and he knows the black community love to coddle black men

Dietrich said...

He has not been right since his mother passed. I feel for him he needs help and those K'S will destroy you

Loka said...

He chose to drink Hennessy straight from the bottle then go up there and ruin Taylor's moment. Instead of apologizing he continued to run his mouth and still doing it till this day. Nobody wants to be friends with someone you have to babysit all the time and make sure they don't do anything dumb. He ruined his own legacy

Anonymous said...

Soooooooo..who told him to go marry the HO OF BABYLON?🤔🤔🤔🤔 Jay already said back then he and Beyonce were having severe martial problems and they could see Kim and her family coven for what they are and they couldn't it. If my friend knows I'm about to make a huge mistake then i going to need them to be like Bey and Jay, just don't show up because I know you faking it. Keep it real and stay home. Bey also didn't like her because A witch knows another witch, ask Tina. 💯

Now Jay only been in charge of the Superbowl halftime show for like 3 or 4 years. Coonye has NOT had a certified banger hit in like 13 years Why would Jay mess up his new job that they already probably over paying him for, to put a mentally unstable, no longer chart-topping, overweight, unkempt man child on stage when you got these bigger more stable acts thats easier to deal with, and wont fly in to rants of delusion??? 💯

Coonye think we back in the day . Nobody has bothered to let him know this new generation don't even know him for music, just stunt queen shenanigans 🙄 And he doesn't have nobody to blame for his actions but himself. I don't blame the Carters for not being down with the B.S. and I don't even like neither of them. But I know one thing, a eagle don't stoop down to the level of a pigeon.

Anonymous said...

Accountability be d@mned. Smh all I read were excuses, and none are excuses to call the Carter twins the r-word. I hope he does run across Solange. She already showed what’s up on her twitter pic if their paths cross lol 😂

Anonymous said...

Nicca what? Jay and HIS WIFE? You're still throwin' shade, but that's besides the point. You a grown azz man and no one owes you a dam thing.

Ain't nobody gon' protect you from the familly YOU WILLINGLY married into and had babies with.

Nicca, grow up.

Anonymous said...

A narcissist just like Trump. Good or bad, any attention is better than none at all. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

How many dis songs will come out about Kanye cryin' like little girl lost in a forest? And who gon' make the first one?

I bet they're layin' down rhymes right now.

Anonymous said...

Damn Ye. They are Not Your Homies‼️

Anonymous said...

Dang Ye, They are Not Your Homies At all‼️‼️

Anonymous said...

He ❤️ B. What he wanted to say is I wish she had my kids. The other remarks were for cleanup.

Anonymous said...

Damm Kanye you were told from the beginning slow your road and don’t jump into the marriage but you were so hung bent on Kim, you yourself said F**k everyone and didn’t care what because you were a grown a** man so don’t cry now where them same big boy underpants on and stop criticizing everyone else for your foolish unhinged self and all the drama you are causing. And for sure don’t come for someone’s children/children when in fact you have 4 children out there that what you saying can reverse to your children. Be careful of what you speak evil of Kanye.

Anonymous said...

No one cares

Anonymous said...

This man is 47 begging for a mentor. Lawd have mercy! A middle-aged fool.

Anonymous said...

I have said over and over on this site is the problem is that his kids aren't invited to Rumi and Sir's birthday parties. Kendrick's kids are.

Anonymous said...

^ Don't nobody wanna be around those Trump lovers. And y'all know Beyonce can't stand Kim. No one likes Kim.

Anonymous said...

@3:40PM-Nobody's scared of Solange. 🖕🏽🖕🏽 She should've put that same energy into raising her degenerate son better.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what none of them say Ye I still love you! 🥰🥰

Anonymous said...

9:13 crazy usually loves crazy

Anonymous said...

Kanye needs a conservatorship

Anonymous said...

Yeezy stole they thunder at the grammy's after and now this lmao

Anonymous said...

They are so unbothered by kanye, so he's trying to go below the belt. This dude does not need any more attention.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT going to help B ticket sales
The game here is to make B look like a victim
They All in one it

Anonymous said...

@9:32PM-Amen to that! 😁

Anonymous said...

This drama is to drum up ticket sales for B
Kanye is just doing his job his part for the evil team
J needs to make that bread for live Nation etc .....

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