Last week Kanye West destroyed any hope of reconciling with Beyoncé & Jay Z after disparaging their kids in a social media rant [click
here if you missed that].
Now Kanye says he will never apologize...
...unless the Carters help him regain custody of his kids.
So, he really think that Jay and Beyonce are that hard up for his apology that they'll "help" him with his children? The delusions of grandeur are strong with this one. This dude really is nuts.
What and who is turning kanye against Jesus Christ..?? Not religion/Christianity but faith with the father God and his son, Jesus Christ. Why be so worldly with carnal people that is worshipped. I'm going to tell you kanye, jay is church hurt and grandfather was a preacher who sinned so it was his excuse to mock Jesus. You're being lead by a d3mon!c spir!t to stray away to other famous people for a quick answer. I'll pray for you, kanye
Such a narcissistic thing to say. They had nothing to do with him marrying and having children with a white wh0re therefore they owe him nothing. And I’m sure they don’t care for an apology either, because that relationship has run its course.
Too early for this.
What makes him a fit parent?
Lock JZ up
The only thing he's doing is making things worse for himself, but he doesn't care as long as the spotlight is on him. Goodness.
They aren't tossing and turning, waiting for an apology. He's the one vexed about them, not vice versa.
He only wants custody to win the war with the Kardashians. He's not doing it to help the children.
I will not miss him when he's gone.
I blame that devil Ronald Reagan for closing all the asylums. This nut should have been institutionalized a long time ago.
Stop posting this man
He’s so manic. I hope someone will intervene.
Call WWilliams ppl and have put away.
@12:48 He's NOT manic. He pulls this every single time he has something to promote. Since that bimbo he married being seen naked doesn't shock anymore he gotta go back to the crazy card.
It's a marketing trick he has perfected. He doesn't need nor want intervention, or thoughts and prayers (especially since he said he doesn't believe in Jesus), he just wants dollars and his music to be back on top. That's it. He's a one trick pony.
^^^^^What a stupid thing to say. He is manic. You clearly have never been around someone who is bipolar.
He's so pathetic
Why would anyone help him with his children? Why are Beyonce and Jay supposed to help him at all? He's a billionaire too so why can't he help himself? Kanye is full of it
Whatever he is he has enough money and resources to keep it under control. He doesn't take his medication and wont listen to others. He gets no sympathy from me. None at all.
Where's his daddy at?
Where BIG CAPS iz @? Blocked/Cancelled?
^ I hope Looney Caps is blocked and canceled
But I think they are still here and not using all big caps. She not leaving because y'all give her life on here. LOLO
Don't mention her. You may talk her back up.
J&B should ignore his azz. All he wants is attention.
Why is he not under a conservetorship? Wendy Williams is seems coherent to me, yet she's locked away under the pretense she's "being saved from herself".
Chyle when are we gone cancel him for good?!! He should be banned! Sicka this fool and I’m not even a fan of the carters but enough is enough
Jay's karma
Caps don't do Sundays 3:46
Caps give this blog life boring w/o them, 4pm
If you're living for a looney cap to write, then you don't have much of a life or your own thoughts.
The very fact that Big Caps is being asked about says it all!
Damn Beyonce. Looking real milfy
^All day, errday. She stay fine.
Kanye mad because they are making moves with their beautiful children while minding their business. He’s stuck with the simple minded shallow Kardarshians fighting for his kids not to be like his baby mother and family
Y U Mad 954?
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