Friday, March 07, 2025

Jurnee Smollett's Ex Husband Demands Half

Actress Jurnee Smollett's ex husband demands half of the money from her pension earned during their marriage...

According to court documents obtained by The Neighborhood Talk, despite Jurnee paying him nearly $1M since their divorce was finalized in 2021, Bell is demanding half of her retirement savings. The docs state that their 401(k) and pension are considered community property, meaning he’s entitled to 50% of what was earned from 2010–2019.
Since their 2019 separation, Bell has been collecting $7K a month in child support and alimony. Now, the court has ordered her plan administrator to transfer half of her account balance to him.


Dietrich said...

Just crazy

Anonymous said...

LOLO you never who your hooked with until money is the issue. That goes for family too

Lynny said...


Anonymous said...

Has he no earned income?

Anonymous said...

Well women wanted equality and because she's the breadwinner and non custodial parent, she has to pay. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

He ain’t s**t

Anonymous said...

oh my!

Anonymous said...

Legally he's entitled. This is what a prenup is for.

Anonymous said...

Why do women want to be equal except when it comes to money?

Anonymous said...

Rihanna? Are you listening? This is your future calling!!!

Anonymous said...

Reverse The Game.

Anonymous said...

@3:41 PM. I'll take a shot at it. I think part of it is women typically have a built in disadvantage compared to men because we earn far less over our the course of our lifetime even if we're working the same jobs. And generally speaking, we don't get paid for the hardest job on the planet (raising kids), which also causes us to earn less if we re-enter the workforce or start our careers late. Even single women have to deal with pay inequities so it's not always about having kids. Women spend more money on essentials even if they make less, pay more for similar products (think male vs female razors) and have to pay the same amount of taxes in spite of this. So it may not seem unfair but women don't want to give up the little bit of money they have because money usually equates to financial freedom, which sometimes is all they have.

For the record, I think it's unfortunate she has to deal with this but fair is fair. If the tables were turned a lot of women would expect the man to pay up and be quiet. But this is what buying into that gender equality BS has resulted in. Sometimes you gotta be careful of what you ask for.

Anonymous said...

@4:05pm- You SHOW know what to say! and @4:37pm- You are absolutely correct in your summation.

Anonymous said...

Imma need some of our hood bruthas to go and have a conversation with him about what he's asking for from our Jurnee. He looks like he wears a toe ring!

Anonymous said...

I made significantly more money than my husband. We divorced with no lawyers. We agreed I would not file for child support and he wouldn't ask for alimony. I knew he wouldn't ask for custody to get child support from me. After he spent his teens and 20's being a family man he wanted to hoe around in his 30's. He thought he got the better deal. Fast forward 20 years later. My 401k is booming and I am so glad we made that agreement. I wish I could wave my statement at him and say "I hope them hoes were worth it!" Lol. I feel for Jurnee.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stay single or stop marrying men who financials and mental are not equal or greater than yours

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon 6:33 PM. When I married we were both broke. Our trajectories changed 5 years into the relationship. Sometimes you never know.

Anonymous said...

She should have had a iron clad prenup. She knew she had more than him going into it. This was just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Well women do it but when a man does it he's trash. True a man should be a man and stand in his own two feet but I feel the same way about a woman. That's why you need a prenup. I don't care how much in love you are. Money makes people do some scandalous $h!t.

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