Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Gladys Knight Chaka Khan Patti LaBelle and Stephanie Mills Announce Historic Tour

R&B divas Gladys Knight, Chaka Khan, Patti LaBelle and Stephanie Mills announce The Queens Tour...


Anonymous said...

Yesssssdd 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Anonymous said...

The Auntees Tour.

Anonymous said...

You know YT gonna copy this. Wonder who they'll choose. Madonna, Cher, Streisand, Cyndi Lauper. Sounds 'bout right.

Anonymous said...

That is gonna be a magical tour !
All of our greats seem to be leaving
Us too soon :(
Im glad we still go these greats
Bcus ALL of these new singers sucks

Anonymous said...

Stephanie , Chaka , Patti and Gladys
Can SAANNGGGG!!!!!!!!
And put on a good show !
I hope they cake off from this tour

Anonymous said...

The "TALENTED" Aunties tour
There, I fixed it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:50 PM That part.

This is what I'm talking about. I wonder where in BK though.
I want to go. I hope Chaka will not be drunk. If she is I will read her for filth. LOLO

Anonymous said...

I can't wait til they come thru my town

Anonymous said...

How Patti gonna not come to Baltimore? I'm from Brooklyn but live in Maryland so now I gotta travel all the way back to NYC. Lol

Anonymous said...

Why aren't they coming to my town? 🥹Looks like I may have to travel to Maryland to see these legendary performers. They don't make them like this anymore.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 You have proved for certain you don't know nothing about yt music.

Unknown said...

Wish Angie was a part of this.

Anonymous said...

Now I usually don’t go to concerts, but I might have to change my mind

Anonymous said...

What about Detroit?

Anonymous said...

I love Chaka and I am happy get a chance to see again. At 65, I have seen her at least 200 times. Personally, I only seen one bad show.

Anonymous said...

I Stand Corrected @5:56pm.

Anonymous said...

They are coming to Baltimore and DC.

Anonymous said...

Them venues gone smell like White Diamonds, Aquanet. blinding sequined dresses.

Anonymous said...

Where do you see them coming to DC? Was it just added? And yes, they're coming to Bmore but Patti won't be there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Snitch I got my ticket this morning. They were on sale this morning for NYC. Those tickets are all most sold out. They were being sold out before I could make my selection. LOLO
There will be nothing but nosebleed seating on Friday for the public.

Anonymous said...

More like the grandma tourer.

Anonymous said...

That concert is going to last all night. Between the four of those ladies, the number one hits just go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

Anonymous said...

*Hugs* @10:22pm
And *Hugs* to everyone who posted :)

Hope to see you all at the show!

Like an above poster said :
"They dont make them (performers)
"Like this anymore * !!!

Anonymous said...

HBD Stephanie and Chaka

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