Two years ago actress Gabrielle Union raised eyebrows after admitting she splits the bills 50/50 with her husband, retired NBA player Dwyane Wade [click
here if you missed that].
These days Gabrielle says she's no longer part of a 50/50 household after realizing she was dealing with control issues...
I don't like her so I won't watch but the comment was stupid to begin with. They're not even on the same level financially and anyone who's been in a relationship knows there's no such thing as 50-50 in any way possible. Real relationships begin at 100-100 because you give all of yourself to start with. From there it's about compromise and fairness. I'm not surprised she says she's a control freak but she should've included a whole b!tch too.
^I like your comment.
Why do people with obviously bad marriages give the most marriage advice.
There is always a leader and submissive in every relationship dynamic.
Listen to it. I don’t like her either but her comment shows her real issue was not control freak, it was vulnerability and trust. Vulnerability is the main word and makes sense too. You can tell how afraid she is of being left and alone so she really wanted to cover herself and keep her armor on.
She def got a therapist working her through all this
I guess we supposed to forget that her husband came out right after she made the comment and stated that he was not going to deal with anyone that was not going to go half on bills and things of that nature so while she’s trying to cover this ass, it’s her and she had control issues. He specifically said he was not going to pay all the bills himself and it was because he had done so in the past or something like that he stated and he was not gonna be in a situation like that again Listen, this man got custody of his children so that he would not have to pay child support to the mom imo So she needs to either address his comments to or go sit down, cause we haven’t forgot what he said
Her issues may come from him making a baby while married.
I'm surprised she continues to get acting jobs because her shows continue to flop.
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