Thursday, March 06, 2025

Dr. Umar's Daughter Calls Him an Absentee Dad

Community activist Dr. Umar Johnson called out by the daughter he abandoned...


Anonymous said...

I really hate social media because nothing is sacred anymore. I'm not all that interested in what happened to cause the rift between them. I'm just curious to know what she would have done if social media didn't exist? Is there no other way to reach people these days? They really act like phones and family connections are no longer an option for contacting someone. It really is giving clout chaser. Not to mention she's an adult.

Soft & Sweet said...

Instead of him saying this is a private matter and he'll reach out to his daughter, he tries to demean her by calling her a little girl and struggle streamer. She tried to reach out privately and he ignored her. She used the tools available to her to reach her sister. They must have had a good talk because she said he wasn't involved in the sister's life, either. Absentee fathers hate when the kids and exes compare notes.

Jcee said...

Before the invention of social media, let me tell you what children were left to do. They couldn’t find their fathers. They had siblings all over the place some who they went to school with and didn’t even know it was their brother or sister some have dated their siblings, not knowing that they were related because their father ran around fathering children all over the place. That’s what they did. I’m so glad that social media is present and available for people to be able to put these people on blast because it makes no sense that Omar is front and center for everything. It has been praised by many in this community only to find out that the very man he runs around here talking about he is. He is a hypocrite and it’s sad and it’s a shame, and I did not expect this from him. I actually did not even know he had children He wanna talk about family court. This young woman is 20 something years old now family court ain’t got nothing to do with anything at this point they love running and saying somebody kept them from their children, but I’m sure family court allowed you visitations

Jcee said...

It seems like our community love to hide and secret. We love to keep things secret that’s why a lot of us are like oh I wish social media wasn’t around it people should keep their business private. Well, our community is messed up the way it is because a lot of things have been kept private abuse have been kept private The way these men have not shown up over the decades and centuries have been kept private and so now we’re sitting around, trying to figure things out, and because all these things are secretive, we have to navigate through lies secrecy, and it should not be that way a lot of women and children are carrying around Trauma because everybody wanna keep things a secret only for the sake of black men

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Sure. NOBODY on planet Earth -- especially if they were Black - had the ability to communicate and find people before SM. FOH

Anonymous said...

All GREAT men are absentee fathers.
Just ask their children.

Anonymous said...

He ain’t got time for you lil girl, yo daddy is trying to save a race of people. Go figure

Anonymous said...

If you did not raise your kids, when they get older, they will let you know what type of job you did. Case in point.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Omar is not a doctor. He's a fool.

Anonymous said...

^ And a POS & SOB. An arrogant a p e. Scam artist. For how many years has he been talking about this school? He represents what's worst about the black community.

Anonymous said...

He is a sick man. I pity the daughter.

Anonymous said...

How do you bring all this out and then say none of your business?!

Soft & Sweet said...

She found her sister so mission complete. Dr. Umar is the one who have some explaining to do. He absolutely represents the worst in the community.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has smoke for Mr Umar but none for the mother. We all know , mothers never keep the child from the father. I bet those court papers are just a figment of his imagination,

Anonymous said...

This was extremely saddening to hear 💔💔 I'm so disappointed 😔

Jcee said...

5:55 A true parent knows that no one can keep them from their children. The court papers probably grant him visitation rights that he never used even if he didn’t get custody. I’m sure he had visitation rights if he did not then there’s a bigger conversation that needs to be had because if you lose your parental rights to your child, that means that you were found to be unfit to the point where you can’t even have visitations with your child so again this whole narrative that somebody is keeping that women are keeping children away from men is a lie because all men have to do is go to court, and all they have to stand on is parental alienation, and that woman will lose those kids. I’ve saw what happened many times I know of a woman right now have to have visitation with her kids and she has no say so with her kids because she was practicing parental alienation, and the father took her to court, and he won PERIOD! The fact of the matter is if a man tells you somebody is keeping him from his kids run because he’s a liar and he is trying to escape his responsibilities

Anonymous said...

Get off of social media with your family problems.

Anonymous said...

I never Felt Dr. Umar. He’s too Self-Righteous. Now we see and hear the truth from his actual kids point of view. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Why should a parent have to fight to see their child?

Why involve the court system because we know how fair the court system is to melenated people?

And speaking of court system , we all have heard the stories of how fair the family court system is and how it always looks out for the best interest of the child.


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