Now Dr. Umar is addressing claims from disgruntled baby mama No. 2...
"Collecting my child support while denying me my child."
— The Art Of Dialogue (@ArtOfDialogue_) March 15, 2025
Dr. Umar reveals his 2nd baby mama has been keeping his daughter away from him despite him paying child support and gives her 2 weeks to produce his daughter or he will expose her.
(🎥 Dr Umar Johnson/Instagram)
I never heard this fool speak until this drama unfolded. Why does he repeat himself 2-3 times like a tarded mynah bird? No one's going to believe that BS no matter how many times he says it.
He says he never had an appointment with his daughter since infancy. I guess he's trying to prove that baby mama #2 is a liar about him missing visitation. It only proves that he hasn't checked on his child since she was a baby. He went to the "white man's court" for child support, why not go for custody/visitation rights? Because he didn't want any.
He's complaining about the fact that the two baby mamas linked up and were talking about him. That was the reason why he ignored the older daughter and didn't give her the younger one's phone number in the first place. He didn't want them to compare notes. Or worse, he didn't have it and that would be an admission that he's a deadbeat to that one, too.
Now he's threatening to "expose" baby mama #2 unless she suddenly turn over the child to him so he could exploit the child by taking her across seas to show his equally tarded fans how good of a dad he is. The child don't know you, sir. Introduce yourself first. And that's no way to ingratiate yourself with the daughter by threatening the only parent she knows.
I don't even have to address the way he speaks of his oldest child. He has nothing but contempt for her and don't even realize he's the reason she feels the way she does about him. He wasn't around to give any other impression than what her mother has told her.
Karma coming to collect, with interest and late fees.
@6:49 Repeating things in threes is a brainwashing technique. Pastors do that too. It pisses me off!
Black people, do better. Stop having all these kids out of wedlock w/multiple ppl. With ppl you KNOW aren't parent material. Ladies, if you see a dude w/multiple kids by different women why become the next baby mama? What makes you more special than the others?A lot of black men will die broke because they are reckless. All this unprotected sex w/multiple ppl. Some of groupie types are the worst. I'm talking about those that have kids w/men who they see aren't healthy. What kind of mother is that? A POS. They or the father don't love the child because if they did, they would not have had kids to begin with knowing it wasn't right. No self respect being the sloppy 2nds, 3rds, etc. Why bring a child into that? Oh well, ho3s gone be ho3s. Best to steer clear of them. They love drama & repeat the same bullsh*t over & over.
That bum is being exposed for the manipulative liar that he is and I can't wait to see what's next for that crooked fool.
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