Friday, March 07, 2025

Dr. Umar Addresses Deadbeat Dad Claims

This week a 22-year-old woman came forward claiming community activist Dr. Umar Johnson is her biological father and that he has never been a part of her life [click here if you missed that].

Dr. Umar does not deny paternity but claims he has child support receipts dating back from before she was born and urges his fans to question the girl's mother...


Anonymous said...

This man is an utter Embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter said you weren't part of her life. Sending checks ain't the same thing especially when you're an activist helping others. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

chickens coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Gotta do more than feed them.

Anonymous said...

Umar is a bum! I want to know where all that money he raised for that school went? You cannot trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

That response let's me know he is indeed a dead beat daddy.

Anonymous said...

Wiki: Umar Johnson is a real doctor who is a licensed psychologist and expert on the mental health of Black children. Hmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

NOT DEFENDING THE MAN , I repeat , not defending the man ( I have never liked or believed much of what he says or represents)

But I would caution jumping to conclusions with only part of the story. JS

Anonymous said...

He may(!) be licensed but he ain't qualified.

Soft & Sweet said...

The daughter never said anything about child support. She never said that she couldn't get in contact with him. She said he ignored her when she tried and showed the text messages. She said he wasn't there emotionally or physically. He's acting guilty as hell. He's calling his daughter a struggle streamer and user. You can tell he has contempt for her. He says he won't even talk to her without her mother present. And he had the nerve to call her a narcissist. He's full of sh!t.

Anonymous said...

Family matters.

Anonymous said...

So this basketball player just told the woman he didnt want her baby, she had it and he doubled down, Hed dont want no dealing with the child, He agreed to be financially responsible for the child. The woman new this and she had the baby anyway. Is he a deadbeat? Yal gotta have the same energy for everybody.

Anonymous said...

^^ Yes. He is.

Soft & Sweet said...

@ 4:56 PM...Hell yeah, he's a deadbeat. Sperm is given, never loaned out. Once a man gives it up it belongs to the woman. She can do what she wants with it. If folks look at every s e x partner as a potential co-parent they may move a bit differently.

Anonymous said...

Yeah he's a deadbeat. Childbearing decisions are the one and only advantage women have over men in this society. If a man doesn't want babies he needs to keep it in his pants.

Anonymous said...

what a hypocrite his word is trash

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Bro Umar is still
Mentoring Sis Sukihana

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Always look at a man’s actions.

Anonymous said...

Always look at a man’s actions.

Anonymous said...

You need white man paper prove you a black father? Stepping up makes you a better person. That goes for mothers and fathers and aunties and grandparents etc. Be there for your own.

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