Saturday, March 01, 2025

Don Lemon Drags Megan Kelly Over Joy Reid

Last week Joy Reid's TV news show The ReidOut was canceled on MSNBC [click here if you missed that].

Former CNN anchor Don Lemon slams former Fox anchor Megyn Kelly after she gloats over Joy's cancellation...


Anonymous said...

After CNN Don is hilarious. I don’t swipe past none of his videos.

Anonymous said...

Go get her Don.

Soft & Sweet said...

Haha! Donnie said tell your husband to stop eyeballing his.

Anonymous said...

Drag her, Don!

Megyn Kelly is always fucin' with Black people, especially women. She got Tamron Hall fired from NBC Today. Then Kelly (and Tucker Carlson) attacked Tiffany Cross to the point that MSNBC fired Tiffany. They keep comin' after us, but it won't stop us.

Anonymous said...

Stop looking at my husband. It’s weird. - Don Lemon.

Anonymous said...

That’s right. Hold them accountable DL

Anonymous said...

When 🌈’s talk
They don’t talk politics
When 🌈’s talk
They talk about bitshes

Anonymous said...

Aaaawww shyt! Get her, Don! 😂

Anonymous said...

I'm here for the reading Donna.

I'm just here so I dont get fined said...

Don Lemonade said "Hold on h^e"

Anonymous said...

Not saying that Megan don't deserve this complete read, but, why is it that g@y males get to speak without reprimand to females like this while non-g@y males get read for filth if they ever came out the side of their mouths talking to women like this?

Anonymous said...

I’m pro-Don! Do you!

Anonymous said...

^ Don was speaking up for a Black Woman. Why don't you have something to say about what Megan said instead of piggy backing off Dons response. You sound like your knit picking and homo-pho-bic towards g@y ppl.
He stood up for her. Can you do the same with a comment of your own or are you brain dead. Maybe your one of those trolling YT ppl that like to post to start division among us Black ppl. Learn it.

Loka said...

She's feeling herself since she got that facial feminization surgery

No Chiraq said...

Don🍋 got her!

Anonymous said...

The problem is: People believe that Black Women NEED someone to "speak up" for us when we're quite capable of "Speaking up" for ourselves!
Joy Reid spoke up for herself as well & to 12:43's point g@y males always think they're doing a 'service' to women by disrespecting other women by calling us names not because they're coming to our defense, but because it's what it appears they want to say to women in general when they have a problem with any woman of any color, class, or prestige!
Joy Reid can and WILL Gather Megan when the time comes, but something tells me she will do so in an educated and classy memorable manner-not with cusswords or name-calling because that's what classy, respectable educated people do.
Don Lemon has been known to be disrespectful to women in general no matter the race and color which is why he'd had a down grade from his own shows on CNN and ultimately had been fired.
It's not about being anti-homo or homophobic at all. It's about being respectful towards women when speaking no matter what was said by whom.
Now you've been educated, 1:20.

Anonymous said...

What you wrote was homophobic. That's why you tryna analyze why "g@y males get to speak without reprimand to females."

Now you want to make it out to be women standing up for themselves and Don being disrespectful....

Just sit down and stop doing a clean up. It ain't working.

Anonymous said...

There's no "clean up" or "analyzing about g@y males" nor was anything said homophobic! It's "not working" because you are uneducated! So you need to "just sit down" and why don't you get off here and pick up a book and gather an understanding towards educating yourself on what's the difference between a viewpoint and what's actually homophobic!

Anonymous said...

What Megyn Kelly said was for ratings purposes. What Don said was for Disrespectful purposes.
Joy Reid need to take some responsibility for how she presented her viewpoints towards storylines and what she might think about doing differently upon being hired somewhere else.
They're all in media and I'm quite certain they all know each other away from the cameras.
I don't know for what purposes any of you are going hard criticizing each other when all y'all are "Anonymous"!

Anonymous said...

I ignore them all. Whoever watches these so called news shows..... please stop. Non of its journalism. My 4 year old is a better journalist

Anonymous said...

Tell it 2:29 PM! The gay is clearly in their feelings when they can't see what the true issue is. And a lot of them swear they're always being treated unfairly but rarely admit when they're doing it to others -- especially women.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Angie Stone died in a car crash RWS

No Chiraq said...

RWS: Angie Stone died in a car accident

Anonymous said...

Damn, y’all. Stop shouting. Snitch has a life too. She ain’t sittin’ around waiting for news to happen on a Saturday night. Give a bih a break.

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