Sunday, March 16, 2025

Dawn Robinson Reacts to Going Viral

Last week after Dawn Robinson admitted she had been living in her car for the past three years, one of her former collaborators came forward insisting Dawn is the problem [click here if you missed that].

After his comments went viral Dawn warned her fans to watch out for leaches attaching themselves to her story for relevancy...


Anonymous said...

And she STILL missed the point. How would anyone attach themselves to this sorry a$$ed story of a person that could've had it all, but couldn't get out of their own way?! Just delusional.

Anonymous said...

She's right, she got a messsssy ex husband and some old time haters... who need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would want to live in a car at her age unless this was for some attention. She is talking like this is some documentary she is plotting to make money off of in the future.

Anonymous said...

Her ex husband came forward and basically said the industry is demonic, Dawn is probably going through something mentally because her mom is an angel, and she wouldn’t post her business if it weren’t a cry for help.

He was trying to explain what he used to do, where he is now mentally, emotionally, and financially (the man got therapy and is rich), and is trying to get in touch with Dawn to help her out. He pretty much took accountability for why their marriage ended and wants to help her. I don’t know his character or their history, but if she’s willing to accept his help, he’s offering.

Anonymous said...

Ex husband should've reached out PRIVATELY. The other guy dragging her is a messy QUEEN.

Anonymous said...

^ Thank you so true

Anonymous said...

I pray Dawn finds peace of mind

Anonymous said...

How do you know he's a messy queen? Are you a woman and he didn't want to sleep with you? That doesn't mean he's a queen, it means he didn't see you or he's str8 and wasn't attracted to you if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

Dawn want to feel's like in the Bible. She don't want that heavy burden right now on worldly possessions with fame, labels, dates, times, relevancy, tours, people pleasing (fans)etc..just from having a gift from God (singing)The tree, water, clouds, beaches, fresh air, diamond sparkle in lakes, rivers, sunset, sunrise from IT ight now. It cant get no righter ( in chris ucker voice)hope this was the right decision for her...when I get retired I will travel too drivd anywhere I please. You go girl!! Sing gospel and God will hook you up out of nowhere for stuff you have not expected. I don't know how yall do it but you don't have the world on your shoulders. I pray she find peace that she's looking for cause God is so good. I tell you he work in mysterious ways that's beneficial for you that you need.

Anonymous said...

Umm, where do she handle 'hygiene necessities, I wonder?

Anonymous said...

^I got a busy life with family that's why my typing is fast and words missing...😁😆

Anonymous said...

U wish! U don't have a life. Stop frontin' nobody believes u

Anonymous said...

@1:26pm Are you a narcissist...?? cause yall never understand anything or just want to gas light things. She do have a life..she's doing what she wants to do. I didn't say I don't want a life and you know it. I said when I retire I will travel like she is doing which is fun.

Anonymous said...

Looked what the industry did to Angie Stone...Dawn is damaged honestly

Anonymous said...

@1:58pm I've noticed that the industry is 3v!L full of narcissism( D3m0ns) who have no life and will try to suk the life out of you. I studied, got discernment through prayer and reading scriptures IN THE BIBLE IN THESE LAST DAYS that they can't love but have the nerve to want to be adored, yearned for, admired it's they jump and use, copy, stalk, snak3 people with real gifts, talent, good hearts cause they are beside themselves from being abused. So if somebody damaged Dawn, yep it's from the industry.

Anonymous said...

I knew of Ivan from NY back in the early 90s when my friend was trying to break into the music biz. He is definitely gay.

Anonymous said...

Please mind your business 1:40. The comment was 4 1:24.

Anonymous said...

The gen consensus is her ex is messy and many say a queen. It is what it is.

Soft & Sweet said...

@ 1:24 PM...She has a gym membership where she takes showers.
Dawn said she didn't want folks feeling sorry for her. She actually researched car life before she decided to live it. She's where she wants to be and knows how to change the situation if she wanted to.

Anonymous said...

Dawn is a textbook narcissist! She gets off on attention. Even if it negative…

Anonymous said...

Dawn is a textbook malignant narcissist.

Anonymous said...

Umm, don't @ me, 5:05

Anonymous said...

^^^^Nobody cares enough about you to @ you.

Anonymous said...

Don't ^^^^ me or @ me 505/724pm! U keep doing it tho

Anonymous said...

Enjoying my Sunday evening. Refusing 2 argue w/ no life having losers 2day

Soft & Sweet said...

"Umm, where do she handle 'hygiene necessities, I wonder?"...1:24 PM
@ 1:24 PM...She has a gym membership where she takes showers...Soft & Sweet

Stop asking questions you don't want the answers to. And you don't dictate which anonymous I answer to. Because, guess what? You're anonymous.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't for you to respond to, airhead. It was an "I wonder" self inquiry. Stop tryna justify ur @ & ^ when it wasn't necessary!

Anonymous said...

Just stop @ing and ^ing ppl who don't want nothing to do w/ you, 9pm that'll solve a lot of conflict.

Anonymous said...

That's some sound advice

Soft & Sweet said...

"Just stop @ing and ^ing ppl who don't want nothing to do w/ you"...Nut Caps.

Again, you're anonymous. You're dumber than a box of rocks.

Anonymous said...

You're arguing w/ an Anonymous commenter so what does that make you, the Dumbest?
Take 10:10's advice, the Dumbest!

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Dumber than a box of rocks exhibit A. You're not helping your case any, Nut Caps.

Anonymous said...

Time after time you prove over and over how stupid you really are w/ no life Karenda. Just Shut Up!

Anonymous said...

Stop calling commenters on here by the names of the characters in your head!

Anonymous said...

Proven over & over again w/ your argumentative ways that you are the dumbest and have no life. Aww, Poor Thang..

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Dumber than a box of rocks exhibit B.

Anonymous said...

The Dumbest on this blog: You/Karenda!

Anonymous said...

Making it easier to identify for the lawsuits too. There's that

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Dumber than a box of rocks exhibit C. Is there no bottom to your embarrassing display? I may run out of letters...

Anonymous said...

Every1 on this thread is wisely Anonymous Xcept. So, who's Really "Dumber", Karenda? HUH?

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Dumber than a box of rocks exhibit D. I guess there is no bottom...

Anonymous said...

You the only 1 who should be embarrassed for arguing w/ anonymous commenters and we know yr name is Karenda: for the lawsuits purposes it's helpful though

Anonymous said...

This appears 2 b the most attention u have gotten all week The Dumbest. Unlike U I have a life and a job 2 prep 4 so argue w/ the characters in yr head-u sad loser- while I go live my life!

Anonymous said...

I come on this post and see the comments have reach over 40, days after posting. Ppl arguing over something they know very little about just to have the last word. Tell me how this makes sense.
It would be more gratifying to see positive comment's about the Black investors that have enriched all of our lives.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to RWS

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