Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dawn Robinson Admits She is Living In Her Car

Former En Vogue singer Dawn Robinson admits she has been living in her car for the past three years...

In the video posted on Youtube Dawn admits she would rather live in an apartment but is making the best of her adventure.


Anonymous said...

She's had way more opportunities than the average person and I absolutely do not feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to her. It's not easy being on the streets. Hope she's able to protect herself.

Anonymous said...

It can happen to just about anyone and that industry chews ppl up, she's blessed to be alive. Wishing her all the best.

Anonymous said...

Is she one of the nasty ones that didn't get along with the group? Anyway, she could sing on cruise ships, singing lesson, lounge act or something. This could also be mental illness. Maybe this is what she needs to teach herself a lesson on humility. I don't feel sorry for anyone that want use their god given talent to do something with it.

Anonymous said...

Unlike the first person posting, I feel bad for her. We have no idea what opportunities she has or hasn't had. We don't know her mental state. The least we can do is have a little compassion.

Anonymous said...

Dawn destroys every opportunity given to her. It's always someone else's fault. If you feel so bad for her, move her into your crib and see how well it works out for you?

Anonymous said...

This is her choice! You mean to tell me you can’t find one person after thirty-something years in the music biz to at least take you in until you can get back on your feet? With her celebrity and talent alone, she can book any venue! People will pay her money just to show up! This ain’t the whole story… she’s leaving something out.

Anonymous said...

She gotta be crazy. It’s the only plausible excuse for living out of her car at her big age. I used to feel for her too, but every opportunity she had, always fell through. How many groups were she part of? Let’s not forget the weird behavior on that show. Something ain’t right.

Anonymous said...

Well at least she has a car that she can drive and sleep in. Alot of people are sleeping in their cars, good luck and be safe, I've been there and done that, ultimately i started renting rooms out of people houses and later migrated to my own apartment.. When the opportunity arises take it and make it happen for yourself. You are only responsible for YOU.

Anonymous said...

How on earth do yall know if she had other opportunities or not? You don't know her. Many entertainers complain about not getting their royalties and residuals from the music industry especially the African American ones. Yall lack compassion and you're basing your lame opinions on unfounded information. May you never find yourselves in her situation though I think you should find yourselves living out of your car so you can humble thyself! And so what if she is the one that didn't get along in the group? That isn't indicative of her being a bad person. Good people can act in bad ways sometimes. It can happen to anyone. Humble thyself. Same ones condemning her are probably living paycheck to paycheck them-darm-selves with $2 in their savings account.

No Chiraq said...

Dawn doesn't have opportunities to do session work, voice-overs, talking books? Unstanding performance needs come and go, however voice acting as an art is expandise.
Hope her living condition vastly improves♡

Anonymous said...

^ Reminds me of Flo Ballard after they kicked her out of the Supremes. She eneded up on welfare with no one giving a damn and she died when she was in her 30s.

No on cared then and no one cares now.

Anonymous said...

My comment was for 11:50am

Anonymous said...

The way people love to voice they have no compassion is so sad to me.

Anonymous said...

EnVogue has never made a million dollars each if I remember correctly . They had a crappy contract and was only able to make money off touring.’ The music industry and Hollyweird is smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

I would’ve tried the RV life. Anyhoo, she seems pretty comfortable, can find the bright side, and is down for the journey, so go Dawn… i guess?

Anonymous said...

I thought she was married to a rich white man. That didn’t last

Anonymous said...

11:50 AM
You're running your mouth like you know what happened. Let other ppl have their opinions and you have yours.
Is that you Dawn or one of your relatives that want give you a place to stay.

Anonymous said...

I remember when TLC was touring the world and said they only made about 40 grand after all that. The industry ain't sh-----!

Anonymous said...

Living in car, van, suv is a whole movement. Even living in the woods. I’ve read on Reddit people who have full time jobs and live in their vehicle. They get a gym membership to wash their butts and keep it moving. Some have used that kind of living to save up for their own place. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. BUT you should have protection (mace, gun, knife) at all times - especially as a woman.

Anonymous said...

I've spent many years, dollars, energy and, tears trying to save people like Dawn from their own demons. And I learned that some people just thrive in chaos. They burn through the people that try to help them, then run to the next sucker. There's people out here really struggling and needing help, but she's not one.

Anonymous said...

I've spent many years, dollars, energy and, tears trying to save people like Dawn from their own demons. And I learned that some people just thrive in chaos. They burn through the people that try to help them, then run to the next sucker. There's people out here really struggling and needing help, but she's not one.

Anonymous said...

Compassion? She doesn’t want compassion. She said, “this is not oh gosh poor Dawn.” She is actively choosing to live out her car (with a dog at one point, and has a whole assistant). This is not inspiring. I’d rather have $2 in my account until my next paycheck while I sleep comfortably in my bed with my car in my parking space than voluntarily live out my car. An old car that leaks when it’s raining at that (her words).

She is calling this a spiritual journey, that she is proud of…in this day and age like this isn’t dangerous. She could at least get a mini RV on her mental health crisis-I mean journey.

Anonymous said...

Just watched some of her video. She seems happy reasonable and unproblematic. I said seems.

Anonymous said...

If this is what Dawn chose then why does she have a manager and assistant? Are they being paid?

Anonymous said...

This ain't the way to live

R in NYC said...

I pray she finds housing soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How are you homeless and don't have a job/career but you have an assistant? What does Dawn do with herself all day while they're busy assisting? Do they work for free?

Anonymous said...

So she is choosing homelessness?????? No, nope, nah... This ain't no "spiritual journey" she just might need high level meds.

Anonymous said...

So she is choosing homelessness?????? No, nope, nah... This ain't no "spiritual journey" she just might need high level meds.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 6:08 the math ain't mathing lol

Anonymous said...

Peace 2 Dawn

Anonymous said...

So, she has made a lifestyle choice and is content with her situation. If she has an assistant, she is doing okay financially. Let her find herself and peace however she sees fit. I don't know why she felt the need to bring awareness but maybe it's part of her journey.

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