"I met this girl named Kelis, who was married to Nas. I got great press that I was dating her which really like raised my cred a lot...but no."
u so shady snitch, lol "rapper" Kelis 😂
So he's on Sway because of that rumor? I don't get it.
Things could never be that hard for her to date a dried up has been.
lol @ 12:22 me neighther lmao
^ my spell check is on strike
YES He's on Sway bc of THAT rumor!!! How could a 10-thousand year old pull Kelis??? The hood needs that info!
WTH he is crusty and he can't do squat he only got dust left in that moldy out ass. Don't no one want ugly ass he looks grandpa from the Adam's famiy.
That dried up has been is part of theElite of hollyweird and have a lot of influenceAnd behind the scenes pullAt least she did not let another dirtyDuck athlete or rapper like Future hit itNas was enoughLol
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u so shady snitch, lol "rapper" Kelis 😂
So he's on Sway because of that rumor? I don't get it.
Things could never be that hard for her to date a dried up has been.
lol @ 12:22 me neighther lmao
^ my spell check is on strike
YES He's on Sway bc of THAT rumor!!! How could a 10-thousand year old pull Kelis??? The hood needs that info!
WTH he is crusty and he can't do squat he only got dust left in that moldy out ass. Don't no one want ugly ass he looks grandpa from the Adam's famiy.
That dried up has been is part of the
Elite of hollyweird and have a lot of influence
And behind the scenes pull
At least she did not let another dirty
Duck athlete or rapper like Future hit it
Nas was enough
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