Saturday, March 22, 2025

Beyonce Reaches Out to Dawn Robinson?

Three weeks ago former En Vogue singer Dawn Robinson admitted she has been living in her car for three years [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders claim Beyoncรฉ has reached out to help...

Former En Vogue singer Dawn Robinson made headlines when she announced she had been living out of her car for the past three years. Although she INSISTED she wasn’t looking for sympathy or handouts, the music industry has responded. We just heard that Beyonce has instructed her people to locate Dawn and arrange for an apartment for her until she gets on her feet. Beyonce confided to a pal that she was always a fan of the female group and felt compelled to help a fellow performer in need.


Anonymous said...

I don’t believe this story

Anonymous said...

"We Don't Believe YOU- YOU Need MORE PEOPLE"

Anonymous said...

Do y'all think these celebs and their minions don't follow these blogs? They're called PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) for a reason. This bish been (supposedly) quiet for years, keeping all her charity on the low (supposedly) but never wants to take any credit because she's just that humble. And now she's miraculously giving public support to an old school artist (and a washed up one at that), when she never supports any other artist outside of DC (unless she makes money off them) and has gone from Quiet Queen B to Queen Save-A-Van-Hoe?

Tour #4,215 is in the works, Kanye firing off shots about their kids, Camel facing lawsuits, etc., so yeah, NOW would be a good time to leak a story of the Bgracious and Bgiving Queenie, whether it's true or not. Surprised sis didn't pay for Angie's funeral. Oh wait, NVM. TP beat her to it! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now watch the fleas come to her rescue in hives with all kinds of justification. Blah, blah, blah. LMAO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I believe it ! I knew she’d be ok she was very confident & happy when explaining her situation. More blessings to her !

Anonymous said...

Good looking B cause Tyler Perry said he’s tired of saving R&B chicks.

Anonymous said...

Dawn needs to go on a livin in my car tour. I’d buy a ticket for sure.

Anonymous said...

Not in the Beyhive but I know she gives miliions to charity. It's just all on the downlow.

Anonymous said...

An apartment lol. Build that lady a house for 100k somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Unless Dawn says something, I don’t believe this. Folks just like to attach Beyoncรฉ’s name to anything to get a rise out of her hater stans.

J.Swindell said...

That wouldn't work anyway. The price to repay the generosity would be too high. Just like those payday loan companies but on a much higher scale.

Anonymous said...

Doubt this occurred

Anonymous said...

just my opinion but why not rent her a house instead of an apartment, that would be truly generous.

Kendall said...

Help your half sister and brother out first hon...assuming this is true.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, I am very proud of Beyonce for having a heart and using her money to help Dawn who may be having both financial and mental issues.

Anonymous said...

Please Be True‼️ cause the only folks I’ve heard responding to Dawn is Black Men Attacking her‼️ This would be so Powerful for another black queen to help another black queen get back up on her feet and possibly work together creatively ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•♥️♥️๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•‼️✨

Anonymous said...

๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐Ÿ

Anonymous said...

How many times do yall want somebody to click on here to leave a message? Anyway, I like harmonizing with them...I don't mess with SWV tho

Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is she better not complain about doing it. Don’t be a Tyler.

Anonymous said...


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