Friday, March 21, 2025

Beyoncé & Jay Z Make Plans to Handle Kanye

This week, during a days long tirade on social media, Kanye West verbally attacked Beyoncé and Jay Z for not helping him with his child custody battle and publicly questioned the mental capacity of their two youngest children [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders claim the high-powered couple are considering legal action...

Jay-Z and Beyoncé find it “shocking” that Kanye West attacked their two youngest children in a disgusting, all-caps rant via X on Tuesday evening.
A source exclusively tells Page Six that the couple “will absolutely not stand for it” after the “Stronger” rapper “has spoken about their children in such a vulgar and offensive manner.”
“Jay-Z and Beyoncé are aware of the posts Kanye has since deleted and are discussing how they want to handle this situation, whether that be privately and/or in a legal matter,” the insider says.
The pair — who tied the knot in April 2008 — “have no plans on publicly addressing Kanye’s X posts about their children.”


R in NYC said...

Jay got hitters!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who cares. I'll sit back and watch all of them tear each other apart because none of them have contributed anything worth jack spit to society, much less the Black community, with all their alleged billions. All they've done is peddled their products and taken people's hard earned money under the guise of providing entertainment. And then you have these brain dead zombies walking around here worshiping these devils in sheep's clothing while they barely know how to love their own family members who can actually support them. Fck all three, four, five six of 'em.

Anonymous said...

@10:37 What have you contributed to Society?

Anonymous said...

Ye intentionally brought this on himself. He wanted attention, well now he has it.

Anonymous said...

Which is why they should just ignore him. In his mind, he wins if they show him ANY attention.

Anonymous said...

Ye got receipts....let the games begin!

Soft & Sweet said...

@ 10:37 AM...I hope that's just an act for the net and you're not that negative in real life. That's a heavy load of hate you're carrying. Lighten up.

Yeah. Kanye needs a good ol' fashioned a$$ whoopin'.

Anonymous said...

11:08, what receipts does Kanye have? Their medical records?Tasha K accused Cardi of having the herp and we see how well that worked. The net got folks feeling like they can say whatever they want.

Anonymous said...

Fk all y'all. My life is great and ain't nothing hateful about it. I have contributed plenty so ask yourself that question before you come for me. And all you did is prove my point about worshiping these clowns. I hope you have the same Captn Save-a-Hoe energy for your fellow man or neighbor. And GTFOH Shyt Starter. You always inserting yourself into somebody's opinion.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! That's the most attention Kanye got from them in his worldly life. I hate If he slapped them like Chris rock.

Anonymous said...

Every time the subject of what a celebrity contributes to society comes up some idiot always comes into the comment section asking what a regular person has done. What does it matter? Why does the average Joe or Jane have to match what a celebrity can do? OMG. People are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

^It's called Deflection.

Anonymous said...

They can’t brag or show and announce whatever they’re doing bc… wait, oh no, they must show and announce everything they’re doing bc… wait, oh no… jeesh, they can’t win. NOBODY knows what these people do with their time and their money so critique, criticize, hate or love and worship forever away!

R in NYC said...

I don't think Koonye is finished attacking the Carters. He's really butt hurt over Jay.

Soft & Sweet said...

@ 11:19 AM...If your life is so great you don't act like it. All those worry worms in your belly is making you sick with envy. Go be great then and don't worry about what others do with their time and money. At the end of the day, it's none of your business.

Anonymous said...

Koonye should be sued. He knows exactly what he is doing and people excuse it because of his "break in case of emergency mental issues" he uses when he wants to get out of something. He's crazy but not like a psych patient but instead like a psycho demonic killer clown🤡

He is cold, calculated, manipulative, and self-serving. Better a lawyer take care of him that a bullet casing. Better Jay than me, because I believe in "onsite" when it comes to me and mine's. He is banking on the fact that Jay just got out of a well seen media lawsuit and can't react and retaliate like he normally would. Jay better think like the mob and bid time. 2 years from that date he said it, a series of unfortunate events would be released. 💯

Even Diddy was surprised Koonye only came there to get him on tape and he thought it was a visit from a friend. Nope it was a pr stunt to push his flop record he just put out. He is despicable. The Devil definitely using him and just like a final stage dementia patient it will all become clear to him right at the end😈

Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha. As hard as you trynna go in on me, you stanning azz bytches should get on the Carter payroll. I'm a complete stranger and yet my opinion about your favorite Satanists is still eating yall asses up! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soft & Sweet said...

@ 12:14 PM...Why do you assume that everyone who doesn't hate Beyonce is a member of the BeyHive? Beyonce hasn't seen my money since 'Dangerously in Love'. All I did was recognize the ball of negative energy you threw in here.

Anonymous said...

@1108 everybody has recipes. What does that mean? This is beyond recipts.

Anonymous said...

Actually ''B'' has contributed large amounts of money to lots of charities. The everyday Joe dollars add up when contributing to charities. You see ads on TV every day for us to contribute whatever you can. If not money your time to help out in your city.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:37 spoke some truth. Kick boulders if you ain't like it.

Anonymous said...

Dead @ favorite satanists.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for none of these people. Buy a$$ would be kicked if anyone spoke about my kids like he did theirs. One day those kids will read that. Kids off limits. Especially because he's mad they won't get involved in a case that HE chose his wife, and HE signed off on giving her all the rights. Dumb a$$

Anonymous said...

Who will he go after next? Stay tuned.

Loka said...

I don't believe this at all. Jay and Bey are very protective of their image and while Kanye insulting their children may be hurtful, it doesn't require any legal action. They can hurt him worse by not responding. I think they know this

Soft & Sweet said...

I agree with Loka. Kanye hates to be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @2:11PM. Folks in here getting riled up and ready to e-fight over people they're mesmerized and captivated by. This is why cult leaders have followers; because they can easily tap into simple minded individuals who lack common sense and are full of excuses instead of questions.

Anonymous said...

I hope they sue him so hard, that he ends up in an insane asylum or is forced to undergo a lobotomy!

Anonymous said...

Jay Z had an exhibit in the Brooklyn Public Library that increased membership & broke records. I was grateful. The attendance had been low. It was scary. The Brooklyn Museum is facing a financial crisis. No one wants to lose their job. It is a family.

Anonymous said...

It's the same old story: Nigs choose white women, then crash out when the relationships they chose with those women don't work out!

Anonymous said...

Whoever that is up top hating and spreading lies, just stop. Sean Carter Foundation gives out scholarships to low income, single parent households, and first generation college students. And Bey Good is part of a scholarship program that serves select students at some HBCUs. I actually encourage HS students from low income families to apply to both to help pay for school.

Anyway, I hope the Carters do take action. Society allows people with mental illness to get away with too much sh!t because of their diagnosis. Compassion and consequences can coexist. Jay Z already expressed that he considers Kanye a little brother, but Kanye has crossed the line too many times and now he needs real consequences.

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