Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Beyoncé and Michelle Williams Link-Up

Former Destiny's Child bandmates Beyoncé and Michelle Williams link-up for a girls night...

Michelle shared the picture on social media and Kelly Rowland joined from the comment section.


Anonymous said...

Should of done a DC Reunion before your name became trash

Anonymous said...

Is MW still on Broadway?

Shafrika Lights said...

Beyonce PLEASE retire that blonde weave, damn!

Anonymous said...

Lock JZ up

Anonymous said...

Michelle looks great!

Anonymous said...

Jane toussaiant in green

Anonymous said...

@7:31 That's not a hair weave, that's a lace front human hair wig, that likely costs thousands of dollars!

Anonymous said...

I believe Beyonce has long hair, but when she wears a wig where does she put her real hair? Wouldn't it create a big ball at the back of her head? Honestly, a man asking.

Anonymous said...

Long hair is usually braided down flat into cornrows. Then it's tucked under in the back. That's usually how it's done to prevent a ball.

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