Last week former America's Next Top Model contestant YaYa DeCosta admitted she had come to terms with Tyra Banks and her bad experience on ANTM [click
here if you missed that].
Former ANTM stylist, Kiyah Wright, criticizes YaYa for tearing Tyra down...
I have to say that ANTM show was part entertainment. the viewers like me needed a little Keekee every now and then. It's not that serious. If you don't have the talent, then you were sent home.
Eva is one of the most successful short models that went on to have a career in acting. With a killer walk I might add.
Winnie is another one that Tyra broke into the modeling world with vitiligo skin. Tyra also put her foot down on how the Yt ppl in the fashion world would not use Black models in their shows.
They use Black models now but most of them are from Africa. My guess is they can pay them less than the Yt models and they want complain because they are grateful to be working.
YaYa and this lady both just want some attention
The way Tyra treated those women was ignorant and abusive and the show was all wrong. A lot of people found it entertaining but it was still wrong.
I don’t care how Tyra broke the ceiling to get black women into modeling! She had no problem humiliating them for ratings. And now takes credit for those who achieved success after being on the show but won’t apologize for her ignorance. Anyone defending that is bunkers!! She treated them just the white people did if not worse!
You know, Diddy also gave a lot of people opportunities and some of those people blew up. But he also treated a lot of them like shit and made their lives a living hell. This bish acts like Tyra's a god. She's not. She's an entitled celebrity who used her fame and wealth to obtain more fame and wealth by being opportunistic and using other Black/minorty women to grow her empire. I wonder how far that show would've gotten if it was an all white female cast? Answer: It wouldn't because she wasn't gonna talk down to too many white woman like that. So miss me with the bull about how great she is. She's nobody's savior. Did some good come out of her efforts? Yes. But at the end of the day she's a business woman and sometimes they mistreat people who work with them. Again, see Diddy.
This woman the stylist or whoever she is clearly is looking for some attention because YaYa didn't say anything negative. Social media has created weirdos willing to go viral for anything.
Doodoo abused his artist and stole their money. Not the same as Tyra.
If you didn't like the show, then why did you watch it?
I obviously had to watch it first to know I didn't like it, ding dong.
I agree with the her. None of those girls went on to become supermodels, but a lot found success in the business thanks to Tyra. I would not bash the hand that put me on for clicks and views.
You had to watch all the shows to know you didn't like it. Now who's the ding ding Ole bat. LOLO
^ Shut your dumb ass up and quit making assumptions about how many shows I watched. I didn't have to watch but one to know I didn't like it. But even if watched every single episode that aired So Fking What?!? Move on and mind ya bizness bish.
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