Speaking without the teeth that her mother, the great Angie Stone (RIP) knocked out several years ago-- this attitude is rich.
A tragedy has happened , yes. And she and her brother have lost their mother, but there's no need to be vile and nasty to the people that would like to consider donating to your family.
What she needs to do is have this same smoke for Clive Davis and for whichever entity in the music industry that stole her mother's royalties.
Diamond was saying that ppl was asking how they could donate money, so that's when she gave out her cash app. It makes sense especially after the fake Gofundme account. All she was saying is if you want to give, give & if you don't, don't. I think her anger was more aimed at ppl criticizing her & her brother, possibly telling lies. I just hope she takes up her Mom's cause & get the monies owed.
I'm so sick of people asking for "GoFundMe" every time something happens! Then get on the defense when people wanna know where their money is going and why you need it! I wouldn't give her a dime!!! Stop giving these prosperity pimp Preachers and pimp GoFundMe's your monies!!! She ought to be ashamed on here begging for money for her rich dead mother! Don't give her a dime!!!!
Still can’t believe THE Angie Stone is gone! Diamond suggesting people’s donations go to her instead of the fake goFundme is surreal right now! Like, this is really happening???!! We’re really discussing Angie’s untimely passing!!
Where are her teeth. That's a GoFundMe right there. .y mamma knocked my tooth out. Domestic Abuse. Help me fix my teeth. And whoever said catfish ain't neva lied.
GIRL, if you don't cash app a dentist!
Money grab, Seeee Yaaaa
She needs a job.
Speaking without the teeth that her mother, the great Angie Stone (RIP) knocked out several years ago-- this attitude is rich.
A tragedy has happened , yes. And she and her brother have lost their mother, but there's no need to be vile and nasty to the people that would like to consider donating to your family.
What she needs to do is have this same smoke for Clive Davis and for whichever entity in the music industry that stole her mother's royalties.
How old is she? The lawsuit that Angie filed will go to her. Sorry for your loss.
"Go to hell and God bless at the same time." Never heard that before. She should just started her own GoFundMe and be done with it.
Everybody on here need a job!
The photo vs. video image is a perfect catfish example.
Diamond was saying that ppl was asking how they could donate money, so that's when she gave out her cash app. It makes sense especially after the fake Gofundme account. All she was saying is if you want to give, give & if you don't, don't. I think her anger was more aimed at ppl criticizing her & her brother, possibly telling lies. I just hope she takes up her Mom's cause & get the monies owed.
Yes, Diamond can sing.
She been in Deangelo stash
521 Isn't CAPS
I'm so sick of people asking for "GoFundMe" every time something happens! Then get on the defense when people wanna know where their money is going and why you need it! I wouldn't give her a dime!!! Stop giving these prosperity pimp Preachers and pimp GoFundMe's your monies!!! She ought to be ashamed on here begging for money for her rich dead mother! Don't give her a dime!!!!
Still can’t believe THE Angie Stone is gone! Diamond suggesting people’s donations go to her instead of the fake goFundme is surreal right now! Like, this is really happening???!!
We’re really discussing Angie’s untimely passing!!
She dont have any teeth???? Is that why she"s covering her mouth??? How old is she? She look older than her mama
Loosing your mom is hard. I would have never justified the cashap those who wanted to give, who know her will and the rest let them talk.
Where are her teeth. That's a GoFundMe right there. .y mamma knocked my tooth out. Domestic Abuse. Help me fix my teeth. And whoever said catfish ain't neva lied.
This how these girls look without makeup. Witchcraft I tell ys
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