Thursday, March 06, 2025

Amber Rose Claims Rejecting Joseline Hernandez Caused Their Fight

Two years ago Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez famously got into a fist fight on the BET reality TV show College Hill [click here if you missed that].

Now Amber claims it's because she refused to sleep with Joseline...

Amber made the candid admission in an invterveiw with Shannon Sharpe on Club Shay Shay.


Anonymous said...

Two sl^t walkers fighting over whose puss to e@t sounds about right. LOLO

Anonymous said...

I ain't here for either one of these "ladies" but I believe Amber. Joseline is never up front. Always moving in shadows and acting innocent. I'm with Amber on this one.

Soft & Sweet said...

Keep in mind that Joseline is the same woman who accused Stevie J of molesting their child. She's a proven liar. And to say that she's never tried to "pursue" a woman in her life is also a lie. What about her history with Mimi and Jessica Dime that she admitted to on the show?

Vernell said...

I also believe Amber. I have seen Joseline on several episodes of Reality shows, that she made it very clear she indulges & enjoys Seexx with women. Therefore, the statements that Joseline made to deny ~ were NOT Truthful. I have also seen interviews of former castmates, that have also spoke of having Bi situations with her...

Anonymous said...

Aren't they both Bi? It don't matter both for the streets. Highest bidder take all.

Anonymous said...

I believe Maga Amber version of the truth.

Anonymous said...

I this this is a PR trick for Amber. Amber already told yall she's not Black so I'm going to side with Joseline just for having the balls to call her out. Both of Amber's parents are claim to be white so and so does shr, so Im confuse on why she keeps appearing on Black blogs.

Anonymous said...

Booooooo both of them!

Anonymous said...

Is Amber sure JOSEline is not packing ??? lol

Anonymous said...

Amber, Amber-all that ho3 ing & nothing to show for it! 🤒🥴🦠

Anonymous said...

Sorry, don't believe Amber she seem like she's on a mission to stay relevant.

Anonymous said...

Amber is a tRUMP hoe,

Jcee said...

I don’t believe Amber I believe both women sleep with men and women and I believe what Jocelyn is trying to express y’all have to bear with her cause y’all do know that this lady is English is not good And on top of her English, not being that good we don’t really know her educational level so certain words she is not using properly. I think what Jocelyn is trying to express is that she did not pursue Amber or any woman sexually and then respond in a violent way when Rejected Amber is basically saying that Jocelyn attacked her or got angry and aggressive with her behind not wanting to be with Jocelyn sexually. And that is a very strong accusation. The whole conversation was about race so for Amber to try to pivot and move that argument that her and Jocelyn had to something sexual and nature is crazy But I don’t put anything past anybody so we’ll just have to wait and see if Amber has any proof or if anyone else from that show is willing to say that that is what they observed

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the camera pick up on some of this. Makes good TV. LOLO

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