Friday, February 21, 2025

Xzbit's Ex-Wife Demands $30k Support Increase

Last month rapper Xzbit's estranged wife, Krista Joyner, accused him of refusing to pay his court ordered child support and alimony totaling $4,763 a month [click here if you missed that].

Now Krista is demanding a $30k increase...

From TMZ
TMZ Hip Hop obtained court docs obtained by X's ex, Krista Joiner, on Thursday, hoping to modify her existing spousal support from the West Coast rapper after she says her lifestyle has been downgraded.
According to Krista, she and the 12-year-old son she shares with Xzibit had to move out of the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom home they were renting for $10K a month ... and she doesn't have the means to buy herself or son designer clothes.
Krista says she's unable to pay her bills, car insurance, or take weekend trips, and claims Xzibit would rather spend his money on his girlfriend's luxury car instead of paying for his son's private school tuition. She also claims Xzibit hasn't made attempts to see their son since September 2024.
In addition, there are alleged incidents of domestic violence ... Krista claims Xzibit and his GF Valerie Eagleson fought her in front of their son at a studio in August 2022 that left her with skin abrasions.
She also claims X slammed their son's head on the table for having memes of X's girlfriend on his phone.
She's asking the court to increase her existing child support to $9,313 per month and spousal support to $21,380 per month ... plus she wants a finding that Xzibit owes her more than $750K in arrears.
She's also looking for Xzibit to cough up $300K in attorney fees.
Krista's previous child support order was based on the rap star making around $25K per month, but she's now convinced he earns a minimum of $134K a month based on bank statements.


Soft & Sweet said...

It would have been cheaper to keep her.

Anonymous said...

He ain't got it.

Anonymous said...

He had a baby with this foot face pink toe?

Anonymous said...

Ah, "pink toe". I haven't read that definition for a yt person since I read a book series called "Thugz Cry" (CA$H)!

Anonymous said...

He was up and proud to have her
When they 1st got married
So he needs to give her the coins he owe her

Anonymous said...

He ain't got it.
10:06 AM

True that.

Anonymous said...

X must got money we don’t know about

Anonymous said...

Next must got some money we don’t know About

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Maybe so. I remember years ago Nas had to pay Kelis $50k a month. And this $50k in 2000's money. I didn't know he had it like that.

Anonymous said...

Didn't nobody request your ^^^!
You don't have an audience with me. Beat it.

Soft & Sweet said...

^^^Then stop posting anonymously so I can swerve your a$$, Nut Caps.

Anonymous said...

^Stop ^^^ing ppl that don't f**k w/ your sh!t startin' a$$!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you "swerve" everyone that don't f**k witchu especially those who don't ^ or @ you!
Assume everybody is "Nut Caps" cuz that's how many enemies you have!

Soft & Sweet said...

Well there was only one of them crashing out on Thursday and that was you, Nut Caps.

Anonymous said...

Is that "Nut Caps" 'the twin' to the imaginary character in your head: "Not Caps"? Hahahahahahaha
Time for you to take a long break from here! You're confusing the multiple characters in your head again to commenters on snitch!

Ay, 12:24pm-I read that book series too. CA$H is 1 of my fav authors!

Soft & Sweet said...

No. That's actually a name change due to all the changes you went through a couple days ago.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:18P.M. abt the "take a break" advice for the 1 who comments way too much!

Anonymous said...

^That part, 12:59 pm. Mental Illness is a Real Issue for some who showing us who they are rn.

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than a mentally disturbed individual surfing all over tryna find a character thats in 1's head. Seek help and quickly!

Soft & Sweet said...

...and yet you're here.

Anonymous said...

6 comments out of 20 shows who really needs that" long break" and help.

Anonymous said...

As the child gets older I'm sure so does the expenses. The id is 12 which means it's prolly in middle school and a school aged kid can amass an insane amount of expenses. But, I don't think X has what his ex is requesting.

Soft & Sweet said...

Hmmm. Six out of 20 and Nut Caps responds 3 times after each one. Do the math on that.

Anonymous said...

I see what you're saying 1:40P.M.
I remember being in middle school and it seemed like every time you look around there was fees for this needs for that which was quite expensive. But my mom made it worth somehow.
What this chick is saying though doesn't really sound like necessities and I don't think a judge is going to rule in her favor. If anything a family court judge may grant X primary custody if the kid's mom can't make what she gets in support stretch each week or month.

Anonymous said...

Luda got custody of his daughter Karma when her mother tried to get more $$$ in child support. The laws may be different in Georgia than in California as far is child support for maternal parents are concerned.

Anonymous said...

Pay up. You went over there thinking WE are the gold diggers. Now look at yo ahh.

Anonymous said...

Good job ignoring the mentally disturbed troll who often veers everyone off topic, y'all! Let's remain on topic!

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