Sunday, February 02, 2025

Wendy Williams Gives Tearful Interview From Her Living Facility

Last month former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams' family retained a lawyer, after a successful GoFundMe campaign, to help get Wendy out of her court ordered guardianship [click here if you missed that].

In a new interview held through the window of the facility where she lives, Wendy tearfully begs her guardians to allow her to visit her father for his 94th birthday...

From TMZ
Wendy Williams will remain locked up indefinitely, but she got good news Friday ... a judge will allow her to fly to Miami for her father's 94th birthday.
Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the judge has authorized private security to accompany Wendy from NYC to Miami, where her dad will be celebrating with friends and family. Wendy will be there for 2 days and then fly back to NY ... where she is confined in a studio apartment at an assisted living facility.


Anonymous said...

They will release Wendy once all her money is gone.

Anonymous said...

that phone call sounded very clipped up and edited

Anonymous said...

wendy is so dramatic. i am old enough to remember when her brother use to be on Youtube mad because she would never come to florida to visit their dad

Anonymous said...

What if she's actually got dementia and needs this assisted living? When she is left on her own, she drinks. The woman needs help

Anonymous said...

Gofundme not Gofunme

Anonymous said...

This looks so staged to me.

Anonymous said...

One of the side effects of being an addict is compulsive behavior while being clean and sobber. That's why addicts need AA or NA programs to remain sobber.
Relapse happen to most, until they get sick of the revolving door of relapse. Sometimes it's too late and addicts don't make it back.
The problem with WW is she want admit she's an addict. I've heard her say she had a problem with substance abuse. Step One of the twelve steps says you must admit you're an addict so you can complete the recovery process with a recovery coach. Then you move on to the other steps and continue making meetings. Some ppl go to the church or go to drug programs that offer extensive addiction support.
WW will continue to relapse without admittance and attend some kind of recovery program. Her ego will not allow it.

Anonymous said...

She must actually have some form of dementia. Thatks the part that they wouldn't have made up.

Anonymous said...

Why is this woman imprisoned? Do we lock up people with dementia against their will? I don't understand what going on..

Karenda said...

The only reason this woman is locked up is because she's rich. Otherwise she would be in the care of her son or choose not to be. They don't do this to poor drunks or dementia patients.

Anonymous said...

She's a drunk and when drinking ppl take advantage of her money that she has no good judgment of controlling.

Anonymous said...

We had a whole president with dementia and he wasn't locked up. Let Wendy live with her family

Anonymous said...

Who is that standing at WW window looking for a glimpse of her? It's very cold in NYC. That's some crazy obsession.

No Chiraq said...

Is this the longest WW has been sober from substances

Anonymous said...

^ Yes, since she has been locked up. That's why she sounds halfway like her old self. She has been drinking while on her TV and radio show, with a little toot of Yt powder on the side for good measure. LOLO

R in NYC said...

This is so bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Say what you will, but I don't really feel sorry for WW given she made a living off making fun and mocking celebrities who were/ are in bad situations.
This may very well be karma on her a**.

Anonymous said...

^ We come to to do the same thing. Even you.

Anonymous said...

There's a clear difference between commenting on social platforms than doing what WW did for a living-FOR A LIVING, 11:04!
She actually profited off the lies she told on celebrities, majority of the celebs are/were black. So,no, she and I aren't the same in this regard. I profit nothing from my comments on ppl's b.s. lifestyles

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