Rihanna snaps at a reporter outside the courthouse, who was trying to ask Rocky how it felt to be betrayed by Relli...
“how do you think it feels?” rihanna was sick of dumb questions 😭 pic.twitter.com/vLLv24WiNt
— 𝖌𝖆𝖇 (@gabgonebad) February 19, 2025
Still acting mean. Just don't respond. Show some gratitude that your stunt of bringing your kids into negative environment/air borne diseases worked.
I dunno why folks hold Rihanna in such high regard and expect her to be classy. You can put Dior lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
Who wouldn't be tired of all the same old dumb questions
She needs mental help keeps attracting violent men
stand up for your man Riri lol
I agree with 12:11-Let him Hold His Own D__k and handle the media himself! She can't be expected to do everything for him. Bad enough her companies will suffer from this entire debacle b/c of his criminal history.
It feels great to get away with it!
@1:12pm chile please, her businesses have too loyal of a following for any sales to slip. it's not enough wokeness out here for it to happen.
Not w/o any new music she don't! Speaking of "Business", 1:32: Mind the Business that pays you!
I use to love her but she's a lame now. A rich lame😁
Yo chill… let RiRi cook 😩
In all fairness, are you going to turn around to answer that dumb question when their focus is elsewhere. D@mn! Y’all act like these people levitate or something. They’re still human.
This incident happened years ago and folks are still lining up to buy Rihanna's products. None of her fans care what her man does. It won't affect her in the least.
Just Know that WE Know WHO Did What to WHOM
Rhianna may have a cute face but she has a real nasty attitude. Just like when she asked Mariah to sign her tit and Mariah asked what should I write and she said “Mariah. What the fux u think?”
Just nasty for no reason.
Rihanna too busy celebrating her 37th B-day w/ that ugly loser criminal to be concerned about what y'all think!
I miss the old Rihanna-the 1 who could tell when some1 wasn't good for them or their image.
Their both in their mid to upper 30's they should know how to represent themselves as though they're adults!
So protective over a man that stay in questionable situations. Hopefully this is his last incident for a while. She will probably pop out a baby girl to keep him home.
I mean this heifer just won even tho people state he shouldn't have. And she still can not hold her mouth! I thought you were grateful to God and all that nonsense you like to say about Him. In the past she called God the n word she has no respect for Him. WHY were you and Ashy so nervous and elated IF he was innocent? The whole court was a circus, I've never seen a judge allow children!
7:11 She's always been rude to who she think she can be rude to. She don't wanna tussle with some ghetto folks that can really gather her. But everyone sucks up to her because she's so successful so it won't likely happen.
Lil miss sunshine went from looking like a hot edgy trendy model to a bloated aunty waddling around town with a funny looking dude not even on her money level.
I think she just might be pregnant again. All that talk about naming their next kid after the attorney seems to hint that she might be pregnant, hence to possible reason why she's looking much differently than what she was remembered as appearing to all y'all who think her appearance should stay in her 20's as many recall her as.
Y'all dumb asf for that too.
Seems to be a whole lot of FleaHivers on here comin @ Rih for her current appearance and her ability to gather other rude folks together.
Y'all need a life. Figure how you fleahivers gonna afford rent, necessities and those expensive a** tickets from your idol Weaveonce!
Ask stupid questions, get the answer you deserve. How as she mean or rude for answering truthfully? It was an unreasonable question. I went to research this damn case. This is truly too much coverage for a mofo who didn't actually get shot. He got shot at supposedly. But did you die? Don't rap about being gangsta if you cry when being shot at. That isn't gangster at all. Live the life you rap about. smh
11:31 No beyhives here sweetie only the hurtful truth! We grown folks, that Navy beyhive mess is 10 years ago. Both their latest music don't warrant it. Rihanna with her no music self too afraid to even release that hit-less album. That Rihanna reign seems have to let up! Dont you love how Rihanna calls it like she sees it? Thats what's happening here! Love us too honey bun cause we gonna keep it real like your idol. She's gone the Elvis route: fat and flopping musically! Even Lizzo looks hotter than her now body and face wise bloop!
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