Monday, February 17, 2025

Remy Ma Wants Papoose Back?

Last year married rapper, Remy Ma, went public with her romance with battle rapper, Eazy the Block Captain [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders claim Remy thinks she made a mistake and is working on winning Papoose back...

Word on the street is that Remy Ma might just be having second thoughts about stepping away from Papoose.
“Sources” say Remy been sending some ahem explicit pics to her still-legal husband Papoose. Apparently and allegedly, she wants to remind him of what they once had.
These pics are apparently fully bucket nekked. Before you get crazy, Remy has been hot and has revealed some of her goodies, but not thee goodies.
Well, the rumor mill is saying this is rooted in the boxer [Claressa Shields] getting her man. Makes sense. It hits different when brother is happy with “her.”
Pap held Remy down for years. This man was the definition of loyalty. He rode for her! But now? It’s looking like tables turned, and Remy might just be realizing that what she had was rare.
There is another side. Eazy The Block Captain’s name is still floating around. It’s getting real ugly. “Sources” say he might be pillow-talking, leaking info, and might’ve even been recording conversations with Remy. I guess he needs some insurance – just in case things went left. I hope he does not play himself!
They might be over, because if a shred of this is true, we are going to see a mess bigger than the last mess they made. Is Easy shopping around some dirt on Remy? Is Tasha K trying to buy? Oh there are even more questions that I cannot even put out there right now.


Anonymous said...

Very few men would have held Remy down the way Papoose did. Then she tried to replace him with a Temu version. After Rem and EZ got their azzes handed to them at that battle, I knew it wouldn't be much longer. Even tho EZ clearly lost (but only won because she ran it) Remy was the real loser that night. I hope Papoose stays where he is. Once you leave a toxic relationship for peace and quiet, there's no going back.

Anonymous said...

They're too old for this.

Anonymous said...

Of course she would.

Anonymous said...

Typical woman.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. She had a tune up and now you can have her back.

No Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She been shamed.

Karenda said...

The 80-20 rule strikes again. She should have tried to work it out with Pap before she got with the joker. Now it's more than likely too late.

Anonymous said...

Well, he is so supportive of his new girlfriend, I can see why Remy is having second thoughts. I didn’t expect to see him rapping her intro walk on her defeat against her opponent. That in itself showed everyone who he rocking with.
They are still married but oddly I’m rooting for Pap and Clareise to make it. Remy just needs to divorce him so he can be happy. Enough with the mind games.
I like how Clareise shared that Papoose is respectful and treats her like no other man had ever treated her.
Crazy The Clout Chaser refers to Remy as his Bish. Says a lot about what Remy and what she feels she deserves. I don’t know. Maybe she wanted some raunchy sex. Who knows!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't she become g&y like most blaxk.women that "f".up with a regular good man that wanted A-list celeb lifestyle whom they worship.

robin said...

run pap run

Anonymous said...

She don’t really want him back. She want to be able to one up Clarissa with having a physical fight….after that she will just kick him to the curb a year or 2 later.

Karenda said...

@ 3:10 PM...Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj used to be an item before Nicki got famous. There was leaked video of Nicki recording herself begging Remy for attention. This was over 15 years ago but I'm sure the video is still on the net somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Remy takes the biggest L

Anonymous said...

If he still loves RM he may come back. She showed him who she is. Believe it. I wouldn't go back once I'm scorned.

Anonymous said...

Remy doesn’t deserve Pap… she wanted to be “ outside” so bad….its cold out there . Pap deserves a wife, a mother to his children, a confident, someone who uplifts him as he does her… I think he’s found that, and it ain’t in Remy.

Anonymous said...

I seen this coming as soon as she ran out getting plastic surgery….

Anonymous said...

Stop lying, 4:14!

Anonymous said...

What is a Papoose though? What does his name mean? Not trying to be funny I just never followed these 2 like that. His name is unique though. Anyway, I don't think he should take her back. I read about how she treated him & carried on. I hope he's happy w/the other lady.

Anonymous said...

^ Are you serious? Papoose is a term of endearment meaning child; A Native American Indian child.
My great grandmother referred to all of her children and grands as "Papoose".
Something the Native Peoples use.

Anonymous said...

Oookaay...🙄🙄 I wasn't familiar w/the term that's why I asked. I'm not Native American so I wouldn't have known that. 😒😒

Anonymous said...

GOOGLE! That's how I found out. Dumba**!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Sometimes even I forget kids are on here and need simple sh@t explained to them. lmao

Anonymous said...

Wow, somebody's really laughing their @ss off cause I dared asked what Papoose meant. At least they're not crying anymore over never had opportunities.....🤪

Anonymous said...

You got your lesson for the day on this Presidents' Day now run along youngster and take your emojis w/ you!

Anonymous said...

No old man/lady I'll stay here all I feel like. That's what's wrong w/you old @ss ppl, you all are always trying to shame folks.That is not how to teach anyone. You do so w/love & respect. You don't try to make someone feel bad cause they didn't know something. It is intelligent to ask a question. So who's the dumb@ass now you pos? And you can kiss this for good measure ! 🍑

Anonymous said...

Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink! I smell A PIG in The Air! No Swine Cops ALLOWED!
I was wondering when you'd make your appearance!
Beat It, Undercover Cop!

Karenda said...

The resident smart@ss on this board is Not Caps. She wasn't hugged as a child.

Anonymous said...

Oh lookie here! It's crazy Sh*t Starting Stalker 'chris'/Karenda, commenting right after Undercover cop crazy stalker 'chris'! What are the ODDS?????!?

Karenda said...

@ 5:27 PM...Hey, Not Caps, did you actually look up the video or did you just call me a liar like the conspiracy wildfire incident?

Anonymous said...

@7:57 that shit is taught in school. I've known what a papoose was since elementary school. Yall are dumb af but get mad when ppl call you on it. A quick Google would have saved you some embarrassment because you don't have to be native American to know that term.

Karenda said...

Oooo, I know Miss TheTreesAren'tBurning not suggesting folks use Google! The Nerve!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you keep referring to every1 on here as 'Not Caps' b/c we're All 'Not Caps'!
You're a liar b/c you lied, Sh*t Starting Stalker crazy 'weirdo 'chris' who many suspect is a cop!
Funny how you, Sh*t Starting Stalker 8:16 P.M. materialized Right After weirdo stalking crazy 'chris' commented with their ever-present emojis!
Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj are not g@y! Cut the Sh%t, Sh*t Starter!

Anonymous said...

What tf does any of that has to do with Papoose and Remy Both 8:21 P.M.?
Stay on topic!

Anonymous said...

Lordt, just when I thought I'd have the night off, I'm called back up in this batch. Hi everyone, it's Chris back on duty up in here. 😎 The block stay hot. I'm not a cop, but I'm concerned about the recent activity that's been happening up in here. I'm taking note of all the participants & will make a citizen's arrest when needed.

Anonymous said...

I seen the video too
Nicki was being interviewed in stair case or
Something. "allegedly"
Then Nicki "allegedly"called Remy
On a flip phone. Remy answered, said
Something to Nicki
Then hung up
Nicki was not dressed feminine in the video
She was dressed like a tom boy/stud

Karenda said...

Not Caps, you're Miss Conspiracy Fire and Miss Well-Coiffed Couch Potato. Cut the sh!t

Anonymous said...

@8:19- You meant to direct your comment @ 7:06/7:34/8:05 P.M.!
I knew what papoose meant from childhood! My 'teacher' was my Native Peoples!
This makes YOU the Dumbazz!

Karenda said...

@ 8:24 PM...Yes. It was so long ago I forgot the circumstances but Nicki's whiny, nasal voice was unmistakable. That definitely was Remy's voice on the phone, too.

Anonymous said...

Sh*t Starting Stalker 8:25 P.M., You've cracked your skull from that reach you just did! I dont know what tf you're talking about "burning trees" What the f__k???!

Anonymous said...


Karenda said...

You're not a good liar, Not Caps. Psycho Nut.

Anonymous said...

Stfu, 8:24! Your creepy weirdo crazy COP azz has been on here all along!
I've been monitoring you attempt to be a regular commenter, but your overuse of emojis was a dead giveaway! FOH!

Anonymous said...

To WHOMEVER, I'm not embarrassed cause I didn't know what papoose meant. There's plenty of sh*t I didn't learn in school. It is what it is. Embarrassed on a gossip site?Not really. It was an opportunity for ppl to clown me & they did. Hope you feel better. 😘

Anonymous said...

8:32PM. You masquerading on here as crazy stalker creepy 'chris' while co-signing your own comments just to feel relevant and you got the nerve to call somebody else a "Psycho Nut"??????!? When you're crazier than a jar of Goober Grape peanut butter???????????!?

Karenda said...

@ 8:34 PM...Not Caps will never feel better about herself. She's a schizofreak.

Karenda said...

Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful, Not Caps. You are not well.

Anonymous said...

Again, WTF y'all yapping about gotta do with Papoose n Remy?!?
Get back on topic!

Karenda said...

The topic is what we make it. It'll all tie up by the end, lol.

Anonymous said...

Says the Nutzo who masquerades as that crazy stalker creepy 'chris' but we know as Sh*t Starter Karenda! & You trippin' Your fat ass ain't beautiful Somebody Lied to your Ugly ass!

Anonymous said...

So why didn't Nicki end being in The Terror Squad?

Anonymous said...

You just proved over & over again Sh*t Starter 8:41 that YOU Don't have a Life!

Anonymous said...

I meant to say why didn't Nicki END UP Not being in The Terror Squad?

Karenda said...

And there she goes! I noticed you didn't deny being Miss Well-Coiffed Couch Potato. I just had to find the right words to pull it out of you, Not Caps. You're a disgrace.

Karenda said...

@ 8:43 PM... Don't be too hard on yourself, Not Caps. It must be tough toggling between one personality and the other(s).

Anonymous said...

Karenda, Not Caps, etc. please stop it. Let's get back to Papoose, Remy, Nicki, & who ever else!

Anonymous said...

You got some nerve 8:44 calling anyone any name given you're a stalking sh%t Starter Nutcase who's stalking this 'Not Caps' individual on Snitch! lol
You're a f%%king No-Life Having Loser, which makes you a Disgrace to your Parents and your family!

Anonymous said...

8:47 PM, Always blame the Resident loser Sh%t Starter who manages to get everyone way off topic to make up the fact that they don't have a life and want attention on themselves! So sad yet too funny!

Karenda said...

@ 8:47 PM...Okay. On topic: Not Caps is wrong for cursing folks out because someone didn't know the origin of Papoose's name. Not Caps is wrong for not verifying simple information before calling someone a liar. Not Caps is just plain...wrong.

Anonymous said...

You would know, 8:46 due to your going back n forth between crazy creepy cop 'chris' and sh%t starting stalker of this 'Not Caps' individual!

Karenda said...

Not Caps face the facts. Not Caps is you!

Anonymous said...

Sh%t Starting Stalker of this 'Not Caps' individual 8:50 NEEDS A F%%KING Life and to stop lying on Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj!

Karenda said...

Not Caps, that Remy and Nicki bit is ICED tea. That was over 15 years ago. It was probably reported on this blog. Lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Look how many times you commented Sh%t Starting Stalker of a non-existent 'Not Caps'! & You have the audacity to call somebody crazy?!?
You commenting under 'Karenda' but everyone else is "Anonymous", meaning your dumba88 don't know who you're going back n forth with!
Something tells me you don't even g-a-f just as long as somebody's engaging you on Snitch! You're a f**king loser!

Anonymous said...

65 Comments & most of them are from No Life Having sh%t starting Karenda! That's supports you're a f__king loser in itself!

Karenda said...

I told you this before, Not Caps. You leave your foul languaged, disrespectful, non-spelling calling card with every post. YOU are Not Caps.

Karenda said...

Not Caps can't count or spell.

Anonymous said...

You're stalking that non-existent 'Not Caps' who is so obviously one of the legions of multiple personalities in your head, 9:00/9:02 pm! 'not Caps' don't exist outside of your head!

Karenda said...

That's funny because she keeps responding...

Anonymous said...

This is a bad look for you, sh*t starter stalker. You're commenting under the name 'Karenda' to multiple commenters who post "Anonymously".
Though I'm one of many who don't like you, I'm concerned for your mental state this post alone.
This makes you look like the insane individual that you are!

Anonymous said...

I wish they would just say they were playing & tell everyone goodnight. Get off of here & take it easy.

Anonymous said...

8:24 PM, Cut The Sh#t! You are a cop but you're too stupid to realize you can't arrest nobody who ain't done sh#t! FOH!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, 9:15. This will all be wiped off by tomorrow since none of what Karenda had to say had anything to do with the actual topic including lying on Nicki & Remy.

Karenda said...

^^^So Onika Maraj named herself Nicki MINAJ because she's straight? Think about it.

Karenda said...

^^^So Onika Maraj named herself Nicki MINAJ because she's straight? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Karenda, then why does Nicki have s3x w/men? On 2nd thought, she might be bi.

Anonymous said...

Ok, imma finally say it: Karenda, You're a fcuking immature behaving asshole!
And, don't call me 'Not Caps'-I'm somebody that have read all the comments and came away with you proving to be extremely childish like you're 12 or something, making you the "disgrace".

Anonymous said...

Wow, 78 Comments and most of them are not on topic just on Bull Sh!t.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm is everyone ok???

Anonymous said...

80 Comments and very little if any are on topic. You tell us, 9:57pm. lol

Anonymous said...

Papoose was a kept ninja who found another sucka with a bag. That faithful loyal Pap crap is a myth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe this thread went on and on about nothing. Talk about how we are going to get those Dem seats back so we can have some law and order in this country. Your civil rights are being stolen from you as you type.

Anonymous said...

^I agree. But not on this site though. That's a conversation to reserve for our liberal and Independent Senators and U.S. Congress folks elsewhere in a much different, more serious about change forum!

Anonymous said...

Looking at all of these off topic comments reminds me of the early days of RWS. Gets me a little teary eyed because this blog used to be everything and we would talk and talk and talk.

Anonymous said...

Well, Grab yourself a few tissues b/c Karenda took this whole entire board where it absolutely didn't need to go: A ridiculous back and forth about whether Nicki Minaj and Remy Ma were 'bumpin' Uglies', which no one cared for in our mental rolodex!
Just a bunch of off-topic B.S.!

Anonymous said...

The point is we have over 80ty comments and it's all about who's right or wrong. When there is something about a topic that reflects our everyday life no one has this much passion to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

I know. But, if you think about the off-topic subject matter that led to those over 80 comments one should really be embarrassed for leading others' off topic about whether or not Nicki and Remy were lesbos or not, before launching into attacks on other comments because Karenda doesn't have a life other than on here.
This was unseemly to read and be apart of trying desperately to re-direct the conversation back on topic.

Anonymous said...


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