Sunday, February 23, 2025

Milagro Gramz Apologizes to Megan Thee Stallion

Last year Houston rapper Megan Thee Stallion filed a cyber stalking lawsuit against gossip vlogger Milagro Gramz over Milagro's overzealous coverage of Tory Lanez felony assault trial for shooting Megan in the foot [click here if you missed that].

Milagro has issued an apology...


Anonymous said...

As she should. Bow Down.

Anonymous said...

Male identified pick me. Nothing new. That apology is hella late tho so she might as well go on and kick rocks.

Anonymous said...

Say her name now, cuz you were Zealous af about saying it when you were dogging her out!

Anonymous said...

she was talking cash money sh!t and now she wants to apologize gtfoh

Anonymous said...

Pick me's can't win.

Jcee said...

First of all this is not an apology second you didn’t use your platform to express your thoughts and feelings, you use your platform to bully intimidate harass, a victim of a crime because The offenders family And The Offender incentivized it for you to do so you wanted to seem like you had the inside scoop when really you had the inside lies you wanted to just be associated with someone you saw as famous and it all backfired people like her, Natasha K are the reasons why blogging is going to be something that you have to get credentialed for and it’s going to be regulated

Anonymous said...

STOP the lies, Megan the Stallion was not shot in her big size 12 foot. she was grazed

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that law suit she wasn't worried about now has her worried. Clout chasing and D riding for somebody is crazy when you end up with your own freedom and money on the line.

Anonymous said...

@5:38 Do you believe there's a huge difference? Shot or grazed as you call it? She had fragments inside her foot. That wasn't a graze. A graze goes by and doesn't penetrate. But either way, you feel it's OK? What does the size of her foot have to do with anything? Are you making it OK for this to happen for people of a certain size? Curious AF

Anonymous said...

Weak af. The lies were direct, so the apology should be too.

Anonymous said...

She's repeating what Tasha K said she should do. Meg should definitely make an example out of her and her big, bad mouth!!

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