Monday, February 03, 2025

Kanye and Bianca Escorted Out of the Grammys

Last night Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, crashed the Grammy red carpet. 

Ye and Bianca were later escorted out by police after she removed her fur coat to reveal nothing underneath...

Kanye West and Bianca Censori were escorted out of the 2025 Grammys after making their shocking red carpet debut, a source tells Page Six.
An insider explains that cops ushered the pair out after “the crazy outfit moment they pulled on the carpet,” which we’re told “was an attempt to replicate the album cover of ‘Vultures.'”
West’s 2024 “Vultures 1” album cover featured Censori standing backward in nothing but thigh-high boots and a tiny piece of fabric covering her behind.
The couple notably struck the same pose while doing the step-and-repeat at Sunday’s show before exiting the event.


Anonymous said...

They are so tacky and her plastic surgeon is garbage.

Anonymous said...

Of I didn't dislike him already, this would have sealed the deal. Her eyes are so dead.

Anonymous said...

No class, no shame.

Anonymous said...

He's happy as long as they spell his name right.

Anonymous said...

No… this is not alright.

Anonymous said...

Her face read to me that she didn't want to be practically naked on the red carpet, but her husband made her do it.

Heard er family was involved in mafia dealings. Wonder when they'll get tired of KW doing this to her and finally something about it.

Anonymous said...

He didn't make her do anything. She is there for the money and wouldn't give him the time of day if he couldn't put her on front street.

She's the same as the Kardashians and will do anything and be with anyone who can bring some influence or power.

Anonymous said...

Diddy & Cassie 2.0

Anonymous said...

Diddy & Cassie 2.0

Anonymous said...

He is her fool just like he was Kim's fool. I'm surprised she hasn't had one of his babies. Maybe a nicca finally got a vasectomy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not about to go back n forth with nobody, but she so clearly didn't want to be butt a** naked in front of cameras @ the Grammys I don't gaf what nobody says. I saw her face and she looked embarrassed w/ her hand in front of her crotch to block cameras from snapping pics of it.

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

same thing he did with Amber Rose except she had on a skin tight bodysuit with no underware

Anonymous said...

@9:12 Some of the people on this site have no understanding of psychological terror. That woman's face showed embarrassment and fear. Money is not always the motivating factor.

Karenda said...

This woman is no victim. But she will claim to be one once the relationship is over and he moves on to the next. It's 'their' m.o. They deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

I never want to hear the one about Bianca being forced to do anything. No way she not down with the movement with everything going on instead of having some respect she is keeping it going and taking it to new heights. He married her but she wont be having his kids.

Anonymous said...

I agree, 9:37. Most commenters have no idea how a person like KW plays with one's mind which is best known as "psychological terror" to those who can see what's going on simply by watching the facial expression of someone being victimized by someone else.
I'm not about to go back n forth with you either, SS/@9:38, but she is being victimized.
Anyone who read her face and her hand placement on that red carpet knows that she was embarrassed and might be coming to terms with the notion that she's being victimized by him.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible she's acting? Nah, not the mafioso's daughter. Never.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, Rose MacGowan did that look already.

Karenda said...

Why some folks believe women are all damsels in distress is beyond me. It's actually a disservice to women.

Anonymous said...

This was proven to be false, they only showed up to walk the red carpet and bounced on their own accord. In addition she's not being forced to do anything. Her style has always been daring since before Kanye.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rose Mcgowan did this look I believe with a barely there chain dress when she was with KW's buddy Marilyn Manson!
SS/10:07, no one's saying that Bianca's a "damsel in distress", but what's an actual "disservice to women" is not seeing that a woman is being abused in the form of psychological terror by the dominant male in her life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She had on a little see thru dress or skirt because she kept tugging at it.

Anonymous said...

It appears 10;22 did impersonated a well known commenter on here for a reaction

Karenda said...

Not all women are psychologically weak enough to be terrorized by a "dominant" man. Some women actually let their man believe they are psychologically dominating them when in fact the woman uses it in her favor. Bianca is getting the exposure she needs to get her life to the next level. In the meantime she appears demure in public, half-naked with public enemy number one on her arm. When the relationship goes south (which it will) she'll sue for sexual harrassment of her spouse and claim damages to her psyche and reputation. She'll then go on a media blitz with inside information on Kanye West and sell her story to the highest bidder. She'll get a book deal and start an OnlyFans. The public will believe her and vilify Kanye even more. Afterall, America is a sucker for the story of the young, chaste white woman who's innocence has been violated by the big, bad Black man.

Anonymous said...

What, SS, so you psychic now? lol
Be that as it may, she's clearly being terrorized by her dominant partner. It's just a shame that ppl like you can't see it as it''s occurring like most of us can.

Karenda said...

I'm not psychic, Not Caps. I'm smart.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not Caps, just an observer who knows if you were "just smart" you'd see that there's obviously some form of pressure applied to Bianca from Kanye to show up to events dressed as how she'd been (un)dressed on the red carpet for all to see.
While you consider yourself to be "smart" the rest of us who see something else going on are wiser than you.

Karenda said...

You'll be eating your words in a year or two. Your built-in soft spot for emotionally weak women and contempt for controlling Black men are all part of the play. I don't care one way or the other. Koonye gets what he deserves.

Anonymous said...

No 1's gonna be "eating" anything we don't want to in a year or two. You're not a "smart" as you like to think you are, SS!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get your own signature style of commenting, you copy capping loser @11:16! Since you're copy capping someone you're the 1 being "weird" , WEIRDO!

Anonymous said...

So according to yalls theory he also manipulated his ex-wife KK into parading around half dressed. Meanwhile she had a whole adult movie. Amber Rose is another ex that loves to show her body. She created the movement called SlutWalk to end slut-shaming. These are just the type of women his likes, confident with no shame.

Anonymous said...

Nice way to seek attention from Caps, 10:22/11:16. But, you the 1 being "weird" when you do it though. Everytime you post with CAP LOCK you're doing it to gain attention on yourself so other commenters will think its the 1 they call ALL CAPS. You not slick at all with it though.

Anonymous said...

^ Exactly. And he is the kind of man they like. Black, bodacious, deep pockets, gets attention.

Alexa, play Gold Digger

Anonymous said...

Ye didn't manipulate Kim her mama did that.
Ye manipulated WG Amber Rose though until she couldn't stand the heat he'd caused himself w/ the media and she dipped like most WG's do when a Black dude they got involved with gets in trouble!

Anonymous said...

LOL The nerve of COPY CAPS calling ALL CAPS "Weird" while posting in ALL CAPS they d@mn self!

Anonymous said...

I’m with karena

Anonymous said...

^Whatta way to vouch for yrself or "cosign" your own comment, SS!

Anonymous said...

She looked so uncomfortable with her poses. She’s not confident… just a follower with no worth.

Anonymous said...

Actually I’m 12:24 (meant to type Karenda not Karena) and 12:28 too… my first time catching up on this site this morning so not co-signing myself …yet :)

Anonymous said...

And I can’t read all caps posts so never co-signing those.

Anonymous said...

She Lovesssssssssss the Attention, he's not making her do anything! She will milk this and him for as long as she can. I hope she's investing in something with the monies that she's getting. carryon

Anonymous said...

Whatchu talkinbout 12:32? All Caps posts don't require a "cosign". Co-signing is someone cosigning their own posts like Karenda does from time to time.

Anonymous said...

& you're blind as a bat if you can't read anything in ALL CAPS, 12:32!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Then why she has her hand in front of her uncovered crotch, 12:34?

Karenda said...

This woman is in front of a crowd of people who could help her 'escape' Kanye's grip is she wanted them to but Not Caps insist she's a damsel in distress. Let me guess, you break down when you see white women tears, too.

Anonymous said...

That's not how psychological terror works, SS/1:04. Shows that you're thinking how you would handle it not like how someone who's under the spell of their terrorist would handle things.
We're all "Not Caps" given ALL CAPS already posted while checking someone that they're not interested in this story. Wow, you are as ignorant as your posts seem.

Karenda said...

Not as ignorant as you if you believe people don't realize that you're ALL CAPS.

Anonymous said...

I'm not about to go back n forth w/ you SS b/c I'd be wasting my time. But it's already been established that you got more enemies on this site than anyone including ALL CAPS. You named a few enemies yourself on a different post.
Not Caps or ALL CAPS, but an observer and someone who knows better than you what psychological terrorism is and how those effected responds and reacts.
You, SS, is just a dummy who think you're smart, but not smart enough though!

Anonymous said...

1:25 want so badly for AC to care enough to respond to anything she posts. lol
Most of us believe that you are crazy Hot Grits 'chris' though, 1:25!
I'm on the middle w/ this though. A part of me believes that Ye's making her do the public naked thing. While I also believe a part of her wants to do it for attention on herself.
Whether or not it's being forced on her or she's in agreement w/ everything she's participating in, it very well won't end well for either of them. I won't be surprised if she's arrested for public indecency soon though.

Anonymous said...

Filth. Unless you like that kind of stuff

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kanye really needs to start taking his meds. I heard this woman is being forced to do these things as well. We know Kanye loves attention no matter what it is. He's garbage and I really hate his mom died cause he needs some guidance.

Loka said...

@ Karenda You have great insight

Anonymous said...

Naw, she's just a Sh*t Starter trying desperately to pull somebody who ain't thinking about her into some b.s. that she got herself in.
Sh*t Starter Karenda "insight" isn't developed enough for the rebuttal comments she tries to comment on.

Anonymous said...

Wow🤦. That's crazy in any scenario. His idea, and she was ok, her idea and he was ok, or worse, they both thought it was ok. This world is becoming crazy work!

Anonymous said...

It appears he was invited but elected to leave. Showing up naked didn’t help the situation.

Anonymous said...

Kimmmm, some no name beating you at your own game haaa

Anonymous said...

Honestly she looked like she didn’t want to do it…her situation might be another Diddy and Cassie except she married the man.

Anonymous said...

^& That's the point most of us who can easily read a troubled woman's face was making while others were plainly stating that she's not a victim and using Ye.

Anonymous said...

She's in another video at an after party licking his face, light twerking and bussing it wide. Victim? GTFOH with that BS.

Anonymous said...

^Being told what to do and how to act by one's terrorizer sounds like to me!

sq said...

Weird puppies…that’s all that I got….ye and Bianca are attention whores and just odd folks

Anonymous said...

Wow, 68 Comments all about Ye & his mute wife, & most on bullsh@t?

Is it really that serious y'all?

Anonymous said...

He is begging to be locked up! I wish he would understand people are so digusted by their behavior rather than celebrated.

Anonymous said...

Chris here 😁-Kanye needs to stop playing. If he really wants to be provocative, HE should be the one to get nekkid! Female nudity is over used...MALE nudity is alluring!🍆 🍑

Anonymous said...

Don't nobody wanna see Kanye floppy titties.

A Day To Remember said...

Classless! They should have been arrested.

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