Friday, February 28, 2025

Jeffery Epstein Flight Logs Released

Last night Attorney General Pam Bondi released the Jefferey Epstein flight logs....


Anonymous said...

Something does not seem right about this list. Too many redacted names on here. Michael Jackson would not even be on it. I smell bullshit

Anonymous said...

the article "4 names are redacted b/c they are victims..."

the very first comment, "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY REDACTED NAMES?! this HAS TO BE FAKE!"

it's quite literally the second sentence... i can't.

and only 3 names on that entire list (that we can see here) are redacted. smh.

anyways, i haven't kept close watch on this story b/c violence against children makes me sickens me. but i think everyone who abused children should be exposed and charged. and severely punished.

Anonymous said...

They release only names they wanted too.

Anonymous said...

Its literally two United States Presidents are on the list - who is more powerful than that to keep their own name off?

Anonymous said...

4 redacted names are of alleged victims.

Anonymous said...

how will MAGA explain this?

No Chiraq said...

#'s 6; 24; & 43: Redacted. Names associated with the currect administration???

Anonymous said...

Cameron diaz..?? say it ain't so

R in NYC said...

I really thought Ghislaine would have been murdered in prison by now.

Anonymous said...

The sitting President of the United States is on the Epstein fight log - let that sink in

Sunno said...

Hmmm, I didn't see Trump, Bill Gates on that list. They are 2 of the redacted names for sure. The 3rd Idk.

Msfre1 said...

I thought y'all said Oprah & Beyonce was on the roster too?

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama was supposed to be on the list?

Anonymous said...

This list is bogus.

Anonymous said...

Trump's full of crap. This list has been on the government website 4 years. He's gaslighting everyone. Also, in the binder he gave "influencers" pages are literally blacked out. Lol. He knows he's in the redacted pages because they were best friends 10 years.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, this list doesn't look like the earlier list. Why are entire pages redacted?

Anonymous said...

Fake list

Anonymous said...

yall saying Newsweek be posting bogus stuff? they are a right leaning publication - and this is the list released by Trump's administration

Anonymous said...

Government officials/agencies (Cee I Aye) are involved as well as those in other countries, nothing about this will ever be fully released. Same goes for the JFK files. They sure like to dangle the carrot every few years tho.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone on the list is alleged $ex fiend. $ex with minors was on the low.

Anonymous said...

Now that Trump name is on the list MAGA says its not proof of anything lol

I'm just here so I dont get fined said...

This is fake. I saw Gwen Stefani on the original. I've been a fan since NoDoubt but I was broken hearted to see her name.

Anonymous said...

Sunno, Donald Trump is number 77

Anonymous said...

Bruce Willis..hell naw.

Anonymous said...

hocus pocus seems so bogus

Anonymous said...

Oh, I believe this list and I think there are others. Lots of others. People, especially those low on coins, were desperate to rub shoulders with Epstein before he was exposed. It doesn't mean they all abused people, but they knew this man was warped. Word gets around in those circles.

Anonymous said...

Something else... it's the same with Brother Love. There's a long list of people who knew he was warped but they didn't care long as they could hang onto him.

Anonymous said...

the article states: "but the full record of those who travelled with disgraced financier has never been released."

angelpat2812 said...

This list for sho' is some fake sh**! They could have kept this. I believe the first list that was leaked through emails when Epstein got arrested. Mostly all of Hollyweird A- Listers were on that list. And some very powerful people like the Obama's and Prince Harry, JayZ, Beyonce...etc. Im'ma just get the names from Alley Carter. She calls all of them out with no apologies. Keep this fake redacted list ! Yall playing in our faces like we stupid or something!

Anonymous said...

this list is not accurate. the real list has around 167 people on it. it’s been online, you just have to really search for it.

Anonymous said...

Youve got the wrong list Michael Jackson aint on it!! Get it right. B*"#£

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