Sunday, February 09, 2025

Buzbee Drops Lawsuit Against Diddy and Jay Z

On the day before Blue Ivy Carter's film debut in "Mufasa: The Lion King," Houston attorney Tony Buzbee named Jay Z as the co-conspirator in the bombshell lawsuit filed against Bad Boy Entertainment CEO, Sean 'Diddy' Combs, accusing them of rxping a 13-year-old girl more than two decades ago [click here if you missed that].  

According public records The Buzbee Firm has filed a notice of voluntary dismissal with prejudice, meaning the case can't be filed again, and without costs to the defendants...

Notice of Voluntary Dismissal — Document #88
District Court, S.D. New York
Docket Number: 1:24-cv-07975
Citation: Doe v. Combs, 1:24-cv-07975, (S.D.N.Y. Feb 07, 2025) ECF No. 88
Date Filed: February 7th, 2025, 10:42 a.m. EST
Uploaded: February 7th, 2025
NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, with prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) Bad Boy Records LLC. Document filed by Jane Doe. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers)...(Curis, Antigone) (Entered: 02/07/2025)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad attorney buzzbee and "Jane doe" got their 💲💲💰💸💷💷💶💵 that they deserve

Anonymous said...

What money? Jay still suing Buzbee for defamation. yall want Jay to go down so bad. Let me go get my Cowboy Carter tickets.

Anonymous said...

Is this true? I haven't seen this posted NOWHERE else. Don't get in trouble Snitch

Anonymous said...

@8:00AM..Ahhh, you a worshipper. You're insecure and lonely. The Carters loves ❤️ fans like you. Keep giving them your money....🤣😂😁

Anonymous said...

8:09 how could you possibly know any of those things about me when you can't even read.

The document clearly says without cost to either defendant.

and if I had to guess which one of us was lonely and insecure I would say it was the person arguing with strangers on the Internet early af on a Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

@8:18AM Ahhh, you mad about the truth. Hit dog hollers. God loves you

Karenda said...

Buzbee had no case against Jay and after that interview everyone (with common sense) knew it. He's going down for that one.

Anonymous said...

Trump got involved. Doing it so that it can't be tracked back to him.

Anonymous said...

How do you go from I'm coming for your @$$ and with proof down to my bad good sir have a great life?

Anonymous said...

Good for Jay

Anonymous said...

BB is trying to make a name for himself by hitting the big Dawgs. Nothing to see here folks.

Anonymous said...

this was filed on friday but nobody talking about it? thanks snitch but I'll wait for TMZ to confirm. aint no way buzbee did all that for nothing

Anonymous said...

How do we know Jay-Z didn't pay off the girl and that's why the case is being dropped? All of Jay's lawsuits could have been a negotiating tactic. (As for Puff, I saw the Max documentary and he's going down forever.)

Anonymous said...

Anybody with common sense can that lawsuit with Jane Doe was bogus. Her story made no sense. It should have been dropped. I hope real victims receive justice and fake victims are exposed.

Anonymous said...

The girl could not even get her story straight. Glad this negative press is getting wrapped up after Blue’s breakout role in Mufasa, and Beyoncé’s wins at the Grammy. Congrats Jay Z.

Now let’s get back to ASAP Rocky’s bizarre case and Rihanna looking a hot, but possibly pregnant, mess the other day at court. Him not wanting AWGE to be revealed got me thinking the acronym disses white folks or will not help his case.

Anonymous said...

COMPREHENSION IS SO CRITICAL. Who cares if you can read, if you don't understand what you read! The suit still stands. The only party dismissed from the suit is Bad Boy Records LLC. SMGDH

Anonymous said...

The document said neither party exchanged money. So she wasn't paid off. The accuser NEVER should have done that tv interview. Showed all her cards before court and Jay went straight in. She showed instability so he didn't have to do much. Plus nobody believes you leave Manhattan after a awards show to go after some girl when it was plenty of them around for tgat event. Her own daddy called her a liar and said he didn't pick her up. 😳

With that said. I believe Jay Z and Beyonce both grimey and karma coming their way. But not just yet...unlike R Kelly and Puffy they are still useful and making money. When they stop...their downfall will be epic. 💯

Anonymous said...

They need to sue him now.

Anonymous said...

Yt something else.

Anonymous said...

12:07 loud and wrong. Jay Z real name is Shawn Carter aint it? because that's his name on the last line of the defendants list. well ain't it?

Anonymous said...

@12:22 - If you READ the document, you’d see that @12:07 is actually correct. All defendants are listed in the top left corner, but the text therein states that Bad Boy is the only defendant actually being released from the suit.

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to leave this right here so some of you slow readers can use your finger to point to each word while you read it.





Anonymous said...

@8:09AM, The level of loyalty and admiration people show for someone who would take their money but wouldn't spit on them during a fire is mind boggling, isn't it?!?

Anonymous said...

Loyalty don't have nothing to do with being able to read or not.

We all in here interpreting this legal doc but way to deflect and gaslight after realizing you are wrong.

Im still waiting on TMZ to report this before I celebrate

Anonymous said...

Shuttup fool. I'm new to this thread and don't care about who's suing who. I was co-signing 8:09's comment on how stupid you sound talking about you running after some Crusty Cowgirl tickets.

Anonymous said...

you mad lol

Anonymous said...

Don't believe it. If so $ changed hands under a table.

Anonymous said...

Wishing Blue well though, she's also a victim imo.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who was looking at this objectively knew that the story from trailer park Carlee Russell was bogus and didn’t hold merit. That being said, Tony probably has something up his sleeve.

Anonymous said...

The case shouldn't've been filed w/o any form of substantial evidence against Jay Z in the 1st place.

Gather yourself together, 3:14 P.M. you want so desperately to be CAPS it's not even funny! Lol

Anonymous said...

The Defendant that the case was dismissed without prejudice is listed in the paragraph, Bad Boy Records LLC BBR LLC. Not the other defendants listed in the case. You have to be able to read lol. There is more than one defendant in this case, if the case was dismissed for all defendants they would have been listed in the paragraph

Anonymous said...

^ Thank you seems it's still going for puffy too.

Anonymous said...

@5:27 Exactly!! Niccas are so retarded and embarrassing! Especially you @12:22!

Anonymous said...

Y'all some goofy MFers.
Jay-Z just withdrew his lawsuit against that Buzbee nicca and it won't be any surprise if and when that Buzbee nicca do the same against Jay Z, so says TMZ.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe y'all on here arguing about something that's not beneficial to any one of your lives one way or the other!

Anonymous said...

Snitch please tell me you're watching this entire day of Kanye basically destroying his name on Twitter all day today

Anonymous said...

@7:03 That part!

Anonymous said...

Good. Every allegation is not real. These people clearly making shit up.

Anonymous said...

Reading is fundamental y'all. It's a simple court document. It clearly states dismissal against Bad Boy Records NOT Shawn Carter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, We READ the Heading! Did YOU?

Anonymous said...

Bad Boy Records as a Company has been dropped from the suit ONLY. That heading/title is a lie and some of you are willfully trying to make that lie stick. Is a PR firm controlling the comments? Are there paid agents of chais that paid to post disinformation under the guise of commenters? Snitch deletes disrespectful posts but publishes a headline that is a boldface lie? Hmmmm okay. I see you fugazi ass website

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:30am-You tell NO LIES!!!

Anonymous said...

The heading and the document are not the same the document lists Shawn Carter the heading only lists Bad Boy I know yall not taking snitch word over the actual document

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe y'all arguing about this dumb sh%t.

Another site is posting that Jay Z dropped his claim/suit against Buzbee, which probably mean a deal has been made between them.

Anonymous said...

The Carters are very decent people
Who worked hard for what they have
They would NEVER do anything illegal
Or hurt anyone
They have too much money and fame
They have no time for such foolishness
People need to leave them alone

Anonymous said...

Jay Z dropping his lawsuit against Buzbee doesn't mean they struck a deal. It could mean that Buzbee team probably shared with Jay Z and his lawyer some damning evidence in discovery to move forward which forced Jay Z to drop his sanction lawsuit.

The fact that people would believe the headline without reading the actual source document shows how gullible people consume misinformation. Also very irresponsible that this was not correctes yet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^IS What Happened ✔️

Tony Got The Receipts For THAT HOUSE Jay Swore Did NOT EXIST 💯

&. When You Change The Date To 2003???


Anonymous said...

Life is not worth living.

Anonymous said...

3:47/3:48 STHU! You only on here to argue!
Your existence is extremely sad!

Anonymous said...

And you sound completely deranged if my comment about what's written in a document and my opinion affected you in this way. I said nothing offensive. You are not ready for this world. Now go cry in a corner.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are but if you're serious, life is worth living. I don't know what you're going through but hold on. Our challenges are only temporary but think about 5things you are thankful for and reach out to someone. You haven't been ignored. We see you. ❤️

Anonymous said...

Stanning is a mental illness. Only God should be worshipped.

Anonymous said...

8:51 PM, You only PROVED 6:21 P.M.'s point! You only came to argue which means you have NO LIFE. You're just Existing, making you a sad insufferable being!

Anonymous said...

You are under a spell. Please get help and quickly!

Anonymous said...

Either Jay Z is posting comments here or people are delulu because they don't like an opinion they don't agree with. Y'all need to take your meds.

Anonymous said...

Sas the 1 who's journeyed on this blog to argue with any1 willing to voice their opinions that 8:51 disagrees with! To All Wondering, Life is worth living OFF social media. lol

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