Monday, February 24, 2025

Black History Month Fact

Celebrating unsung hero, inventor Mary Kenner, who secured five patents in her lifetime, the most of any Black woman...

Kenner's inventions include:
Sanitary belt: A predecessor to the maxi pad that held menstrual towels in place and prevented blood from leaking onto clothing
Shower wall and bathtub mounted back washer: Helped users reach difficult to access areas
Toilet paper holder: Ensured the loose end of the paper was within reach
Attachment for a walker or wheelchair: Includes a hard-surfaced tray and a soft pocket for carrying items


Karenda said...

It saddens me that she didn't get compensated for her inventions. Lost generational wealth directly contributes to the problems in our community today.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^ exactly!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That back washer idea didn't take off because only 13% of the population bathes properly

No Chiraq said...

Brilliant & Beautiful

Anonymous said...

8:30 AM
I feel that way about all the Black inventors that RWS has posted this month.

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