Sunday, February 23, 2025

Black History Month Fact

Celebrating the late Dr. Patricia Bath, the first Black woman to receive a medical patent and the inventor of laser cataract surgery...


Karenda said...

What a great doctor. I like that a lot of these inventors got their start at an HBCU. More teenagers need to know these Black History facts when deciding which college to go to.

Anonymous said...

The reason why I can type my comments. Thank you Dr. Bath. We were blessed to have you πŸ™πŸΏ

Anonymous said...

BOOM. World wide. We (FBA) Should have left the rest of the world blind. You’re welcome.

Anonymous said...

9:12 that part. Black women are definitely the blue print, and I love to see it! Just about every female professor at my own HBCU are Doctors and they are nothing to play with! πŸ’«

Anonymous said...

Her work has positive effects to everyone on earth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service Dr. Bath

No Chiraq said...

Dr. BathπŸ‘πŸ‘♡

Anonymous said...

She seemed like an amazing woman. Thank you and Rest Peacefully, Dr. Patricia Bath.

Anonymous said...

I've been tested for cataract's and may need the surgery like so many others.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and excellent doctor, Patricia Bath.

Scratch Games said...

The series compiles and shares people with great dedication who truly bring engaging experiences. Explore and access many interesting things.

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