Sunday, February 02, 2025

Black History Month Fact

Celebrating chemist, Dr. Marie Maynard Clark, the first Black woman to earn a PHD in chemistry and whose research was the first to make the connection between clogged arteries and high cholesterol...

click the video to learn more about Dr. Marie Maynard Clark...


Karenda said...

Her story is encouraging to young girls who want to study science. She's the reason why research was conducted to manufacture cholesterol medications.

Anonymous said...

She taught at Howard. HBCUs get some of the best instructors. Give to UNFC, y'all. They are the ones who will protect our history.

Anonymous said...

yes to black women in STEM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I usually come for the ratchetness but thanks for this great post, Snitch. Passing this on to my niece, nephew and everyone else I know to spread some positivity.

Anonymous said...

BOOM. Information that was used worldwide. No acknowledgment. We the best.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Celebrate now because Dump is going to wipe the calendar clean of this month.
Love to see this information. We would never hear about our greatness to this country since we are not chronicled in American History Books.
Black folks of this generation have benefited from their ancestors, and they don't appreciate it. Now you will feel what it's like to have them taken away. Dump is going to show you what Jim Crow is about.

Anonymous said...

that orange orangutang can't stop a damn thang that got to do with us celebrating our heritage every Feb like we been doing.

No Chiraq said...

Sister's for Science!

Anonymous said...

No, he can't stop us, but he will try to suppress our joy and pride in Black excellence. That's what slave masters did to keep us from reading and killing us literally. We have to keep our head up and wait for his removal.

J.Swindell said...

This is why communities need to come closer together and celebrate those - past and present - who make a difference in how we live today. We're already underrepresented in the STEAM/STEM fields, so when there's strength in numbers and support, we can make a helluva difference.

Anonymous said...

2:19 P.M, Dump is going after the Education department trying to decide what's taught in schools. He can and will pull government funding, which is how he plans to control everything and every one.
STEM programmings CANNOT survive the government pulling funding from it, which is how I believe he'll attempt to control progress in this way.
Don't get mad with us for stating this. Get Angry with Congress and let them know what's at stake as it pertains to education!

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