Thursday, February 06, 2025

Allison Holker Claims tWitch Boss Stayed High and Stopped Bathing Toward the End

Allison Holker, widow of the late celebrity DJ, Stephen 'tWitch' Boss, has been promoting her controversial memoir, "This Far: My Story of Love, Loss, and Embracing the Light," by sharing secrets tWitch took to his grave [click here if you missed that]. 

This week the book was released with more embarrassing claims about Stephen...

 From Page Six
Allison Holker claimed Stephen “tWitch” Boss was constantly high and barely showered before he died by suicide in December 2022.
“What I didn’t know until I surveyed our backyard security cameras was that Stephen’s smoking had ratcheted up,” she recalled in her new book, “This Far: My Story of Love, Loss, and Embracing the Light,” released on Tuesday.
“He was smoking in the morning and at night. It’s almost as if he used one strain of pot at the start of the day to become tWitch, then used another at night to come down from that persona.”
Holker claimed her late husband was also “sneaking out to smoke” while on the set of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”
“To the best of my knowledge, nobody knew. He was really good at hiding it,” she continued.
“If I had been aware of the extent of his usage, I would have gone into protector mode right away.”
After “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” was canceled in May 2022, Holker claimed Boss underwent a major shift in his day-to-day life — and his hygiene “suffered” as well.
“I would find myself pleading with him to take a shower,” she wrote.
“At the time I thought he was too tired to properly care for himself. Now I know that neglecting self-care is another classic sign of depression.”


oregonsistah said...

Thought she had no clues

Anonymous said...

this wench again

Danni P said...

Neglecting hygiene is a known symptom of depression. How do you have a spouse with past bouts of depression and drug abuse but don't help?! I would have been on his ass like flies on 💩!

Anonymous said...

This lying bish. Am I supposed to believe weed sent this man to his end? And how your man ain't washing his balls and you don't confront him or figure out something's wrong? Just for GP I'd clock this hoe if I saw her in the streets. But this is what he chose.

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely interesting that she made his family sign a NDS to attend his funeral, yet you disclose very intimate negative details about him for profit.......hhhuuuummmmmm

R in NYC said...

Why does she feel the need to trash him?

Anonymous said...

He was depressed lady. And now I can see why.

Anonymous said...

When you help push your spouse over the edge... then exploit him after he falls off. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

^THAT PART BOTH 9:55 & 9:57!

Anonymous said...

Every one has very Valid Points.

Sunno said...

Please stop covering this woman on her tour to destroy this man's image. It's not cool

Anonymous said...

She acts like he was smoking crack.

Anonymous said...

Was it a bad smell or a sexy black man smell. I guess it probably doesn't matter he was with a yt girl ! Yuck!

Anonymous said...

I have a theory on why he allegedly skipped taking care of his hygiene may've been due to attempting to ward her off from coming near him.
He prolly had a healthy disdain for his own wife and I completely understand.

Anonymous said...

Good lord he can't even escape her in death.

Anonymous said...

His autopsy said no drugs found in his system. The math ain't mathing.

Anonymous said...

^^umm hmm and pot takes 30 days to leave the system.

Anonymous said...

y'all was in matching outfits erryday dancing for the gram fresh to def now he ain't bathe this YT bish!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that's what he get hooking up with this drug addict white woman

No Chiraq said...

She's vile in gossiping and seeking some sort of validation in his death

Anonymous said...

🙄 weed ? Lying bytch…. I’m glad WE ALL can agree this bytch gotta go

Anonymous said...

i pray she gets EVERYTHING she truly deserves with her wicked self.

Anonymous said...

Even without a shower those curdled balls probably still didn’t compare to that wet/hot dog smell that comes from her and her people.

Anonymous said...

Twitch rhymes with snitch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So why toxicology report said no drugs or alcohol in system would you not want to protect his memory at least for his kids, plus she was seen leaving a hotel months after he died. AH is the female OJ

Anonymous said...

^^ with his close friend I saw that they were hand in hand.

Jcee said...

Y’all real triggered in this comment section and I understand why we as black women will sit around and cover up and keep secrets and hide things about black men even in their death so we expect other races of women to do this. That’s not what they do and it’s nothing that anybody should do Look at Tiana Taylor for example she ran around pretending like her ex-husband was the best father and husband a woman could have all while she was suffering in silence look at Remy Ma. She allowed the world to believe that papoose was faithful to her while she was in jail and that he was the best husband a woman could have And now she’s stepping out with another man and she’s the bad guy now she wants to tell the truth about how he was treating her, but nobody believes her now we see this all the time in our community even down to regular black women we will sit up and pay the bills While these men don’t work or they work, but they don’t make enough and we will pretend like they’re out here buying us gifts and taking us on trips and we really the ones that’s paying for I’ve seen so many stories like that. These other races of women don’t care they will tell it as they should Now her saying that this was marijuana. I do not believe that I think she saving faith by simply lying and saying it was marijuana it was something stronger than that and yes, she had his family sign a NDA because they don’t have a right to make the money off of his story. She knew they would try to speak out eventually and she said I’m gonna get my money First.

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