Friday, February 21, 2025

50 Cent Criticizes Big Meech's Parenting

For the past few weeks rapper 50 Cent has been crashing out on BMF founder Big Meech and his son, Lil Meech, after Big Meech partnered with 50's rival, Rick Ross, after his release from prison [click here if you missed that].

According to 50 it all boils down to Big Meech being uncomfortable with 50's relationship with Lil Meech...


Anonymous said...

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Anonymous said...

It ain’t like Fiddy is a Cliff Huxtable

Anonymous said...

Stop spreading someone's personal business over the internet.

Anonymous said...

Ain't like Cliff Huxtable was like Cliff Hustable.

Anonymous said...

This N***a got some nerve! He hasn't acknowledged his firstborn son in years!
I don't control anything on rws, but I think it would be best to stop posting these stories on 50 pennies attacks on a well known crime boss, especially during BHM. That would be for the good of black ppl across the nation.

Soft & Sweet said...

Even if those deeds were true, Fiddy just canceled the good out by spreading that boy's business like that.

Anonymous said...

What is up with y'all tellin' Snitch what and what not to post? Don't read it if you dont like it. Thats what I do.

I can't stand 50 but I want to know what his evil azz is up to.

I can't stand Prince Charming and the Dutchess so I just don't read or click on the post. Get with the program.

Kimbo Spice said...

Shaniqua (Fif’s BM turned their son against him) he didn’t turn his back on that young man…get your facts together.

Anonymous said...

Stfu, 10:50! I do what I want!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:48. The black communities don't need to see or read a black dude trying to goad another black man into f__king him up.
It's how our ppl lose control and in up behind the walls alot.
It's not needed to see posts with the same individual encouraging d@mn near pleading with another to go to the point of no return with them.
Sounds like 9:48 know like I know about our communities. This is bad for business any way you look at it.

Anonymous said...

^That Part right there.

Anonymous said...

Y'all crazy. LOL

Anonymous said...

U are not lying though
I have NEVER EVER seen this type
Of trolling in other ethnic groups
In or out of the entertainment industry

And 50 would have NEVER, EVER
Had done ANY type of mess like
That to Chelsea Handler

I think Chelsea even "allegedly" called
50 the "n" word
And 50 kept on shucking and jiving
And uttered not 1 word to her

50 cent is around 50 yrs old now
This is a mess

Anonymous said...

Never seen this type of trolling in other ethinc groups????

What other ethnic groups have as many turncoats for Trump as Black Americans? From Candice to 50 to Antonio Brown to Lil Wayne to Snoop to Nelly to Kanye to you fucin' name them.

Fuc 50. All day, ery day wth his petty azz.

Anonymous said...

And I have more respect for Chelsea Handler than 50. At least she voted for democracy. Mufukas losin' jobs and y'all want someone not to troll him. As if.

Anonymous said...

I think they mean Latinos/Asians, etc. groups don't do the trolling like black folks do, 1:27.

1:31, I think mostly those who voted for Dump are feeling his betrayal with the job cuts and whatnot.
When they voted for him they thought they were gonna have him fix the economy and their money problems. But, as it turns out.....that's not the case.

Anonymous said...

Wow ! One deadbeat uneducated clown with a dysfunctional parenting technique. Checking each other Mr. Trump please please get them outta here asap.

Anonymous said...

1:31, I want rws to stop posting stories of 50 pennies trolling Big Meech!
It's bad for the black communities and hip hop in general.

Soft & Sweet said...

I'm with 10:50 AM. If you don't like it, scroll past. I scroll past anything R. Kelly related, Cassie related and especially Diddy related. It's not hard to do.

Anonymous said...

How does he know what Little Meeches father said to him?

Anonymous said...

Stfu, Sh@t Starter! You don't have the right to tell ppl what to do or how they should go about navigating thru posts!
I'm w/ 9:48 and 11:32 a.m. Less stories on 50 that looks like re-worded former thread stories on 50!

Anonymous said...

I'm with everybody who suggests that the 50 antagonizing Meech threads to pause at least until something's done that requires more posts. It's the same story over & over again, which is tiring.
To the fools who trying hard to control what others do: Most ppl click to see what others have to say.

Soft & Sweet said...

Nut Caps, you can't even stop your own posts from being deleted so why do you think you can stop Snitch's?

Anonymous said...

Even with the silly name change you're still sh*t starting.
Time for you to take a break from here since you got a hard on for somebody that pays you dust, 12:45 am cus you got no life!

Anonymous said...

Attention seeking again? lol

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