Monday, January 27, 2025

Royce Reed Drops Dwight Howard Bombshell on Cam Newton Podcast

For the past month Royce Reed has been putting her son's father, Dwight Howard, on blast for being an unfit father [click here if you missed that]. 

In a new wide ranging interview Royce tells Cam Newton she witnessed Dwight Howard in bed with other men...


Lynny said...

I like Royce and I empathize bc unfortunately I’ve come across narcissistic men too much in my life and they can and do destroy you. My only issue is she kept going back and he kept playing in her face even with these “other men” drugs and fukkery during Covid while the damn kids were in the house 🙄… like bish whhhat???

Anonymous said...

surprised Shannon even gave her an open platform.

Anonymous said...

Why put this out there so your children have to deal with it?

Anonymous said...

@842 what does Shannon have to do with her??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SS needs scandal to keep up with his ratings. Why wouldn't her put her on. He already knew about it through the sports player network. Besides he has his own man on man scandal.
She is not telling nothing we already didnt know. Just like a lot of women she thought her WAP was going to change him. Not

Anonymous said...

But you still had a child with this man, Royce, I need for you to have a seat. Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Low down, dirty…

Anonymous said...

Worse for the kids. She cannot think ahead

Anonymous said...

Why is Shannon Sharp being confused with Cam Newton? I’m lost on some of these comments.

As for Royce, the damage she thinks she is doing to Dwight is going to her kids. She needs to focus on how her kids will turn on her instead of trying to damage Dwight Howard’s reputation. We know the man likes peen. So, now what???

Anonymous said...

I swear, these short sighted bishes never see the bullying their kids endure because of their toxicity. Smh. The man don’t want you! He’s getting married to a woman who accepts his bi-sexuality. What do you not understand???!

Anonymous said...

Royce is soooooooooo STUPID!!! You must still want this man. Find something else to do. Find a good book to read. This is your child's father. Out of respect for this kid, you should at least SHUT UP!!! Dwight is living his life. GET YOURS!!!

Anonymous said...

Her nose shaped like the letter M. That's all I got.

Jcee said...

He has been sued by men we know he likes men.

Anonymous said...

Royce get a life! Y'all deserve each other for real.

Anonymous said...

If people remember, he had his foot on her neck and slammed her with gag orders. She couldn't speak his name or anything about him...because she caught him s**king dyack! He was closeted and she did not know. Now his own son has tendencies and tried SA'ing someone.

Anonymous said...

Cam Newton can still get it, by the way.

Anonymous said...

This lady
has been talking ish about DH for years, years!!!
and it takes for her to be on This podcast to say that shes seen him in bed with men?
I call bullshit!!!
She just trying to pile on now,
What is this woman's end game?
Seems like she wants him back.
He just needs to keep ignoring her.

Anonymous said...

Cold sore alcohol made her darker a d ugly might be a little crack to skinny as she is and dressed badly

Anonymous said...

Sooo she knew he was bi-sexual, was a willing beard that got pregnant for a check and is now spreading her story around for more money since he is not paying the amount she want? Does that sum up her 11.5 min of renewed fame?

Anonymous said...

I just saw a picture of his house. It's fabulous. Kitchen is outdated but a beautiful home.
She got swept off her feet as a young woman by a rich man. Maybe he was not out at the time but she needs to.move on. If she wants money 🏀 wives needs a boost in ratings.

Anonymous said...

Old news. These beards need to shut up.

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